Originally Posted by Juicy47
you are correct. apparently the newer dll is device specific, as on the touch pro it works fine, but is all effed up on the diamond. this was not the case previously
So technically all we should have to do is delete the SmartTouch files on the ROM and then install the OEM Diamond SmartTouch files?
Originally Posted by Trident
Now I see the problem. I wasn't clear.
You need to change the name to something like smarttouch.tmp (or ORG, DEL or whatever). What's important is changing the suffix, not the name itself. The app won't let you change/move/delete it because it knows that it's a dll file. Once you change that, you should be good.
Alright I'm going to try this. I might have to do a hard reset first because I've messed with a bunch of reg keys trying to fix this and forgot what I did, lol.
Edit: Still won't work. After I try to rename it, it goes right back to .dll