Originally Posted by apaquette0069
Is there anyone here willing to try one of these rodium keyboards i have 3 of them, and they are all the same just different builds, but all of them do the same thing to my phone!! after install the phone freezes at the prompt screen(the one with the red writing) so if anyone is willing to risk a hard reset to help a brother out, it would be greatly appreciated !!! DONT FORGET to kill sipgt_app.exe with task manager before installing the KB. The threads that these all came from the ppl there all said that the KB's worked fine for them!!! Thanks alot guys this has been busting my hump ALL day lol
You should also remove the original SIP from the HTC/Bootlauncher registry. If this still doesn't work, then you may just have to build your own ROM which does not include the original EzInput 1.5, so that you can successfully install EzInput 2.0