Originally Posted by silence12782
My next release is gonna be a kitchen with options to choose from
my rhodium manila with tmobile theme or my rhodium manila default theme
plus the option to choose the silence blue manila and the mighty green manila
all fully theme easy to use kitchen!! Plus options to switch from new and old icons additional custom oems by me..
options to change boot sounds and welcome screens from the past
silence roms
Based on the drivers that I built for the silencemighty project!!
Soo stay tune for that!!
Also gonna make another 6.5 down the road some time next month!!
Might do another project with mightymike!! Unsure at the moment on that!!
I can't wait...I'm assuming it will be built off of a 21051 SYS? I guess it really doesn't matter. I loved your 21046 Kitchen and probably have been running that ROM the longest than any other ROM's I've tried. I'm very excited to see you will be coming out with another 6.1 Kitchen!