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Old 06-27-2009, 03:50 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090627 (21820.5.0.40) [UC]

Originally Posted by bruceo View Post
Lately you have def been one of the most responsive in being active in your thread and updating roms, but I did notice that that the grey backgrounds were an issue in the latest builds for everyone and you were the only one I saw that said you updated the themes, but when I asked in the thread if you could post it you answered the surrounding posts but not that one. If you did reply then I retract, but if you didn't you could at least have said what you said here.
I may have missed your post -- it happens. You could have always PM'd me. But like I said, my kitchen is posted, so I dunno why you couldn't just pull them from there.

[end threadjack]
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