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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 10:14 PM
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Google Visual Voicemail *Updated to GVV 0.7.5* (1/2/11) Now with more Login options

Since there was no Google Visual Voicemail application available, XDA developer Sl4sher decided to make one himself. GVV mimics the original application made for Google devices. His idea was to simply bring this functionality to the Windows Mobile platform. The app is built on top of the newest Sense SDK to get a nice looking interface, and offers the ability to show a list of all voicemails, mark as read, delete, and more.


Upgraded to SenseSDK 1.36

Dialer item names guaranteed to be unique. *Fist shake at SenseSDK*
Update button updates both sms and voicemail at the same time.


Upgraded to SenseSDK 1.38
This should fix all the transcript sizing issues. If yours doesn't look right let me know.

New SMS Form
Create new SMS's and reply to your messages via the same form.
Support adding one time numbers and picking from contacts.

Audio redirected to handset
Load Speaker/Handset Speaker switching is handled by DynRIL by Teksoft and may have is own issues or restrictions.
This is very experimental!
He know's it talks to the audio driver so not all hardware may be supported! This has been tested as working on my TP2.
He know's it doesn't like to redirect when there is audio playing, especially to the handset. So if you have wmp in the background playing, it may not work.
He's also had some trouble doing handset->speaker->handset, the issue usually corrects itself if you pause message playback manually, toggle the setting, and resume the message.

Dialer item names guaranteed to be unique, again. *Fist shake at self*
Better threading support for SMS. The thread is no longer treated as one transcript.

GVV now quits
The WMP COM object was keeping the application open, it is now closed before the application exits.
SenseSDK lists are manually unloaded before exit as per eboelzner's sample programs.
He still see's a small memory leak, he"ll try to track it down as best he can, but most of the memory used is released on exit.
(He thought managed code was meant to prevent exactly this crap, Thanks Microsoft!)
Upgraded to SenseSDK 1.39
This version has changes to the way items dispose as well, it should help free memory on exit.

SMS's were send with a blank "id", this seamed to break threading for replies. Removed id from POST altogether, looks like Google guesses the thread now.

Login Screen
Framework for changing log in on start has been added. Right now the login screen is just a way to edit the username options found in the settings file and screen. As the main screen still performs the login right now, incorrect credentials will not stop you from proceeding to the main screen (nor will a failed login).

Quickscroll on contact lists. Buttons on the side of the contact list to jump to a section like HTC Contact Enhancement.

The "Error drawing image[]" bug.
Improvements to dialer delete button, better rapid press support and holding for 1 sec+ will delete the whole field.
Removed skip to end ">>|" button, due to lack of necessity.


Auto Login
Autologin option added to start screen. Untick it to interrupt it and make changes.

Per account cache
Each username gets it's own cache file. So you can use GVV with multiple accounts. I don't think you can use a character in an email address that you can't use in a filename, prove me wrong and I'll change the naming system. (You may be able to break something by typing junk into the username field but everything should work for real usernames)

Busy icon over messages no longer over messages.

GVV has been tested on a Touch Pro 2 and a Treo Pro, all resolutions should be supported.

You must have .netcf 3.5.

1. Install cab.
2. On first launch you'll get a "could not log in" error. Click ok, click menu and click settings.
3. For username, enter your full gmail address (ie. you @gmail.com) and for password your password.
4. Also enter your phone number and update interval.
5. Click save (click ok on the popup) then click cancel.
6. Click menu and click update.
7. On the first run it'll probably complain about a missing file, click ok.
8. Enjoy.

Application Thread
Attached Files
File Type: cab gvv_0.6.2_beta.cab (740.2 KB, 251 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab gvv_0.7.0_beta.cab (774.7 KB, 44 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab gvv_0.7.5_beta.cab (775.3 KB, 180 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by lnando84; 01-04-2011 at 04:41 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 10:52 PM
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Re: Google Visual Voicemail

I tried this a little while back its pretty cool still has some bugs to work out though.
Stock and Rooted

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2010, 12:51 PM
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Re: Google Visual Voicemail

I tried it on 2 different ROMs and couldnt get it to work on either.. Error messages everytime I'd try to run it..

Edit: nevermind, I found out I need to setup a Google Voice account and those are invite only =(

Last edited by JDM_SOHC; 06-03-2010 at 12:58 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2010, 12:35 AM
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Re: Google Visual Voicemail *Updated to GVV 0.6* Now with more sms support

Now updated to GVV 0.6.
Click if I've helped you!!

Donations accepted not expected!

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Old 06-18-2010, 01:23 AM
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Re: Google Visual Voicemail *Updated to GVV 0.6* Now with more sms support

I just tried this and so far its working ok, and if anyone needs a google voice invite pm me your email address, I have 5 invites left.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2010, 01:27 AM
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Re: Google Visual Voicemail *Updated to GVV 0.6* Now with more sms support

This is working pretty good for me... Just got my invite (2 weeks later) lol but the new beta is working very good, doesn't seem buggy at all...

Last edited by JDM_SOHC; 06-18-2010 at 01:31 AM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2010, 01:51 AM
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Re: Google Visual Voicemail *Updated to GVV 0.6* Now with more sms support

I haven't encountered any problems with the version. So far it's been working flawlessly! In my opinion this is the best "non-official" google voice app available for windows mobile.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2010, 10:24 AM
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Re: Google Visual Voicemail *Updated to GVV 0.6* Now with more sms support

^^ x2

It's running VERY smooth and bug free on my Sprint TP2...
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2010, 04:33 PM
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Re: Google Visual Voicemail *Updated to GVV 0.6* Now with more sms support

I'm trying to test it out to show my girlfriend and when it gets to the voicemail part of my phone it says "to make a call, please hang up and redial"...???? Doesn't let anyone leave a message, and I created a greeting already... It was working this morning and now it's not for some reason...
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2010, 06:35 PM
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Re: Google Visual Voicemail *Updated to GVV 0.6* Now with more sms support

Is it just for the transcribing voicemail or will it also be able to send texts through google voice?
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