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Old 09-09-2010, 07:54 PM
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Simple Guide 2012 Android on SD card! FLASH 11, 4 Steps, TP2 DL lnks (FRX07.1)

Flash 11, Hulu, Puffin browser on SD XDAndroid
FRX Roms = Android Froyo (2.2)

GBX Roms = Android Gingerbread (2.3), you must copy 10 .csv files from \windows to SD root first, see this thread.
Honeycomb = Android 3, ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich) = Android 4

* Android is software that runs on top of a custom build of Linux.
* XDAndroid is the project that is porting Android to our HTC phones.
* It
runs entirely on an SD card, so pull out that old 1 gig that came with it, reformat, download, install & have fun!! Don’t worry! It DOES NOT affect your Windows or your phone at all! If any problems, simply reboot & you’ll have your normal Windows phone.

* You do not need to have your phone unlocked to do this. So, if you are worried about unlocking your phone & having issues with a custom ROM, just do this instead! *

Ia. QUICK GUIDE: 4 easy steps below (WM6.x only, not WP7 phones)
  • OPTIONAL but recommended: Backup anything on your SD card & REFORMAT SD card!!! Or, use a new SD... Or, try it on your old one, if it doesn't work reformat or try a new one (they only cost $4!)
  • OPTIONAL but recommended: Read Installation Guide.
  • OPTIONAL but recommended: 1st time users, PULL SIM OUT. Take out battery, use stylus to wedge out white rectangular SIM downward.
1. DL & Install FRX07.1_Full_Bundle_20110901.zip from XDAndroid.com (Droid is slang…)
On PC: unzip the large .zip file to a new directory, then copy entire directory contents over to your TP2, either to the root (\Storage card, no directories) of the SD, or make a “andbootfrx07” directory. (or andboot, anyname you want)

2. Copy
the startup.txt file from the unzipped build (\sdcard\yourdirectorynameifused\startups\RHOD), to the same directory as haret.exe. Rhod400=Sprint (believe 500=Verizon)

OPTIONAL: You can edit the default startup.txt for your device if you want (add relpath & apcuclock statements) OR
Here's my current Sprint (Rhod 400) startup.txt:
set ramsize 0x10000000
set ramaddr 0x10000000
set mtype 2292
set KERNEL zImage
set initrd initrd.gz
set cmdline "lcd.density=240 msmvkeyb_toggle=off gsensor_axis=2,1,3 pm.sleep_mode=1 physkeyboard=rhod400 rel_path=andbootfrx07 acpuclock.oc_freq_khz=716800"
You can copy & paste this text into notepad on your PC, save as text file startup.txt and copy over to same place on your SD card as you put haret.exe. Replace rhod400 with rhod500 if Verizon

3. Disable Windows Over Clocking (
ex: WiMoSpeed) or Clock down to 528: IF you use it, it must be disabled prior to next step, if not or you don't even know what it is, skip this step. Also see below, "Disable/bypass Windows side over clocking" XDAndroid WILL NOT RUN IF YOU ARE OVERCLOCKED on the Windows side, mandatory step!
If you don't know what this is or means.... skip this step as stock & custom ROMs don't do this by default, it's something (a cab) you would have done to your TP2.

**HIGHLY RECOMMENDED** Copy screen calibration file
, THIS ONE --> ts-calibration.7z: (also attached to bottom of this post), UNZIP IT, then put into same place as haret.exe, to avoid touching white pluses on screen (calibrating) on 1st boot. Very tough to see the calibration white marks on tiny white font/black background, very tough. If your phone boots up to the water background but you can't slide the unlock, then your calibration is WAY off, reboot & copy the file!!!!!!!

4. Run haret.exe: double click from windows file manager or total commander. (must use a startup.txt file with this method, see step VII. below to DL one)

WHAT TO EXPECT - Normal Working:
  • 1st min. or 2: You should see tiny white text on black background scroll by fast, stop & then continue, many times
  • Minutes 2-5: You should see little green droid bots fly by writing the name XDANDROID in green. (sometimes pausing for a few seconds)
  • THEN: You should get a blueish water background pic lockscreen. CONGRATS! It worked & successfully built a data.img file.
  • A minute later: You should hear a tone or several & XDANDROID should be at the top of your screen & 3G & the service level bar at the top should show.
  • WAIT another minute for it to finish the build. Have fun!
    *****The few steps above happen EVERY TIME you boot into XDAndroid, but much faster after the first time.
  • Free Apps & games from Android Market: You'll need a GMAIL email to use market (to DL tons of free apps including games, etc...). Either use an existing one OR create a new one.
  • You also need a GMAIL account to sync your contacts from WinMo
  • After setting up GMAIL WAIT another few minutes for it to auto update (DL & install) Google maps, nav, email, etc.., etc..
  • If it doesn't give you the water background lockscreen within 9 min., REBOOT (push reset button located under cover below vol-down button or take out battery & replace) & then skip to step Ib below.
To Shut down (get back to Windows): Hold down the power key & shut down. Then press power key, It'll reboot into Windows.

** for frx07 I had got "No Service" if it happens to you, simply hold power key down, shut down, yes, and reboot. Worked fine on 2nd boot.

**OR Download & install WVGA GenY dual boot cab from: [APP][25MAR10]Gen.Y DualBOOT v1.0.6.0[W|Q|VGA][CAB|EXT] - xda-developers.
Registry edit required if using a SDCard directory: Google "Total Commander" download, edit registry
AndroidBootFolder= nameofyourdirectory
Example: If you boot \Storage Card\frx071\haret.exe
edit (change) registry key to: frx071
The longer you wait, the more windows mobile loads in the background, so DO NOT PUT winmospeed overclocking in \windows\startup, instead make an icon for the speed you want on your home screen you have to manually hit after booting into windows each time.
**OR run XDAndroidStartup startup-utility
**OR run MJGDroidUtil.exe from *SD card file manager double click, *Winkey/start, or *create a quicklink icon if using cookie

*** Hard Keys are different in Android!!***
Windows = Menu ......... use this key OFTEN! (few softmenus in d roid)
.... = Back, Xbutton & Exit
On-hook (far right) = Main menu (Home)
Hold On-hook (far right) = Task switcher
(open & recent windows)

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - READ PLEASE

******** STOP - Done ********
Additional Info below (faq, Q&A, etc)

Ib. IF it doesn't work:
Easy checklist: 1. No SIM in, 2. Not Overclocking 3. Using the windows GUI that came with the build OR the correct startup.txt file below put in the same directory as haret.exe (don't OC in XDroid to begin with) 4. Use a different SD card or format it first.

NEW: If it still doesn't work, FAILSAFE method to make it work... (without reformating SD card or anything...)
1. Ensure you have the correct startup.txt (rhod 400, 500, etc.. your device) from the startups directory
2. Edit the startup.txt & ensure you have the correct directory
(rel_path) you copied the files (unzipped/ran cab) to/ on your SD card.
Example: I have 2 different builds on my SD card & boot to which ever one I want: rel_path=andbootfx, rel_path=andbootgb, in the startup.txt files in each of those directories respectively.
3. Ensure you have a calibration file copied into the same directory as haret & startup.txt
4. Rename your windows\startup (ex. 1startup) until you've successfully booted android a couple times, then rename back for Windows use. If you start having problems later, rename again to test & see if something on the WIndows side is affecting your droid boot (happens often)
5. Reboot & run haret from the directory you want to boot.
6. Wait 5 min after the background picture comes up to play with it. If it doesn't work
7. Delete the "data.img" file & try again. DO NOT LOAD ANYTHING on the windows side before you run haret! Wait 5 min after droid background comes on.
8. Repeat if it doesn't work: delete data.img (file will rebuild each 1st boot) pull battery, no windows\startup dir (rename until after 1st droid build, then put back), boot, run haret right away, don't mess around in windows first (the first time when droid has to build data.img)
9. Repeat again... hasn't failed me yet!

**If it still doesn't work, THEN either reformat your SD card using the utility linked below &/or on the xdandroid site. OR, try a different card!

Ic. Full Build

Id. Incremental Updates: How to Incremental Update to the latest right away:
Below has now become a summary/consolidation of wiki here and here, use any process, they're all the same.
Ensure you alread have
the Latest full build from above step: FRX07.1_Full_Bundle_20110901.zip

1. DL Latest
Kernal (zImage & modules): htc-msm-linux @ 2011????_??????
(use 7zip to unzip 2 times, using the latest haret.exe)
2. DL the Latest rootfs: (rootfs-2011????-???????.zip)

Latest initramfs: (intrid-????-????.gz) already in frx07.1 -> NOT NEEDED!

3. Unzip all with 7zip & Copy all into your \storage card\andboot in order above (or whatever you like to call it, I name mine andbootfrx as I also have a \andbootGB dir for Ginger Bread)... must change rel_path statement per bottom of this post)
4. Rename newer files to the same as the original build filenames except the modules file. (yes you may have to rename the original ones in the full build step 1, I simply add a .old to the end of all files, including the modules file.. not required for modules, but helps you avoid any confusion)
5. Rename \windows\startup to \windows\1startup to ensure nothing (tsr) interfers with 1st boot of Android. On the first run of haret.exe, tons of tiny white text scrolls & then creates the data.img file, which essentially is your "Android"...(rename it back after you've successfully booted into android the first time to "build your Android".. and a couple times after that so you establish a baseline of how it should look... so you can ID if anything in your startup dir on the windows side is interfering with your droid boot)
6. Using a file manager or a link in your menu you created, run \storage card\haret.exe, wait 5 min. If a water screen background appears, it built correct, wait another 5 min for it to set itself up. If it gets stuck on the tiny text, try to read the last few lines, it'll often tell you it couldn't find something (meaning you didn't rename a file correctly). If nothing there, simply delete the data.img file, reboot/remove battery, ensure no SIM card, startup, immediately run haret (don't do anything on windows first). Let it build again. WAIT 5 min at least!! If it builds, great, if not ensure you don't have the overclock statement in your startup.txt file (“acpuclock.oc_freq_khz=716800”), if so, delete it & redo.

· Dual boot: Windows on ROM & Android on SD card, How big is the download? MB? Ã* ½ the size of normal ROM download, a tad bigger when installed. (under 100MB/200)
· What size SD card do I need? Ã* A 1 gig is fine. Go bigger over time if you have a ton of apps & tons of music after you figure out everything. If you have 12GB of MP3’s, obviously you’ll need at least a 16GB SD card…
· HCSD cards (anything above 2 GB): *edit/update* Class 10 (C with a 10 in middle) is supposed to be fastest, C10=10MB/s, C6=6MB/s, C4=4MB/s, C2=2MB/s, C6 is 3 times as fast as a C2 -> you decide. Any will probably work. There isn’t a class for 2GB and below.
** Stick with a class 6 or 4 for best results, many issues with class 10 MicroSD reported.
· haret.exe, runs Android (double click file from windows file manager, or create a .lnk with total commander & setup a quicklink)
· OC (Over Clock) DON’T, a must on Windows side!! If you don’t OC Windows, skip this, don’t read. If you do, see below:

OLD· MJGDroidUtil.exe, GUI (Graphical User Interface) file: sets a few parameters, (force cdma & keyboard), then calls haret.exe, not necessary ,but nice & comes with a nice icon for a quicklink.
OLD· Gen. Y DualBOOT WVGA v1.0.6.0 – Storage Card.cab: XDAdev program that catches win boot early & (prior to OC & sense load) lets you boot into Android (Linux) if you want. Can be set to autoboot to either Windows or Android after 3 or 10 seconds or simply wait for you to push your choice.

III. Disable/bypass Windows side over clocking in order to run Android:
1. Use wimospeed, simple! Run the program to clock down OR setup icons to go to links for your clocked down speed. (preset)
2. Gen Y dualboot cab. Pauses Windows startup so you can select Android or Windows bootup. Can also set to autoboot after a 3 or 10 second delay. (there is another cab similar but with more options recently brought to light that gives you more options including running different builds from the same SD card).

Advantage of Wimospeed: don't need to reboot to clock down before booting into droid

- RENAME \windows\startup directory so none of the startup files interfere with Android. Several times this has worked for me.
- DO NOT OC WINDOWS!! You can’t boot into windows overclocked & then try to run Droid (an exception or two, but don’t try it) Most all Windows instructions & OC programs tell you to install to SD card.. why? So you can pull SD card & boot normal if you have problems & then you won’t have to Hard SPL (flash new ROM).
- Either reformat your SD card or use a new SD!! TONS of odd issues are caused by SD cards, a 2 gig is under $5. DON”T waste your time!! REFORMAT or buy a new one!!! I’ve had hours of problems, switched cards & wala.. problems went away.
- Still not working? Reformat SD card again with this SD FORMATER application: SD Formatter 2.0 for SD/SDHC - SD Association Found here: Android 2.2 (FroYo) On HTC [03 Sep 2010] (V1.6) - xda-developers thanks!
- DON”T OC (Over Clock) ANDROID: Either use a different startup.txt or default.txt file, or take out any lines like this: acpuclock.oc_freq_khz=716800. I’ve seen plenty of flaming going on by a few lucky people that simply ran the cab files, got lucky & everything worked! Don’t let them distract you. Start without OC first, add later, simple trouble shooting analysis & common sense should tell you not to introduce anything not absolutely necessary to basic operation until you’re familiar with it & it works!! Many reasons for this… CPU & other chips are all manufactured. MOJO… how good is the silicone in your chip? Some can overclock over 800 mHz, others have issues @ 700, most can run around 710 without an issue. DO IT LATER!
- Wifi error: Doesn’t work. Tip/trick: turn on wifi in windows, then boot android.

V. Various Builds & Downloads:
OLDER stuff for historical reference only:
PROJECT ANDROID -Ã* http://sites.google.com/site/androidport/downloads
** PPCGeeks Froyo Reefermattness thread Reference is supposed to be the straight original build, but appears to be slightly different in file size.


VI. About XDAndroid .. files.xdandroid.com

What's going on: "There's a lot of moving parts, and each of them is updated separately."
initrd.gz is a tiny disk image used to boot a Linux kernel, before the real file system can be mounted. The build of this used for XDAndroid is stable, and updates are rare.
Kernal: zimage and modules together are the Linux kernel, and form the core operating system. This is where hardware drivers are included.
rootfs.img contains files needed to run the basic Linux system, is the system image, delete this if you want to rebuild your sys image, caution-> will loose all apps.
system.ex2 contains Android's extra parts that run on top of Linux.

Kernel Changelog: linux-msm in Linux on Qualcomm's MSM - Gitorious, 2.6.35
XDAndroid IRC Logs is a log of the XDAndroid development IRC channel
IRC logs is a log of the kernel development IRC channel if you want to see what the devs are working on these days

VII. Other Stuff
Another FAQ: i.e.: "How do I sync my contacts from Windows Mobile into Android?"

Supplemental startup.txt stuff
* Overclocking = “acpuclock.oc_freq_khz=716800”
* Files in root of SD, if you want move everything to \andboot & put the line above in your startup.txt: rel_path=andboot
* Google Voice to dial out, you have to modify your startup.txt set cmdline to include the following: north_am_dialing=1

Disclaimer: I don’t speak for or represent anyone on any of these builds, links, cabs, etc.. Just trying to provide a simple get started guide for people. Other FAQ’s & helpful links (be careful, while useful, some info is REAL old & doesn’t apply any longer) There are exceptions to all these rules, some may have things working differently but these tips should save you tons of grief, reading and trouble shooting. Credit will be given to the author as best I can, please PM or post & let me know if your work wasn’t credited. If some of this info is wrong, PLEASE PM me & I’ll change it!!I take no credit for anything here, except trying to organize it & sharing my experiences. Thanks TONS to all developers & testers!!
Attached Files
File Type: 7z ts-calibration.7z (162 Bytes, 1210 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by teradog; 06-04-2012 at 10:46 AM. Reason: V & VI. Simplify, Updates, more/better hyperlinks
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Old 09-09-2010, 08:15 PM
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Re: Simple Guide: ANDROID TP2 CDMA TIPS/FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions) September

I've been running Android on NRG for a while now and I have to say this is a fantastic guide with tons of helpful info. Please read this first as I have seen so many of these questions asked again and again.

BTW, I do run solid with Android OC'd in the startup.txt so follow the guide and see what works for you.
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Old 09-09-2010, 08:21 PM
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Re: Simple Guide: ANDROID TP2 CDMA TIPS/FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions) Sept. 201

Thanks tons! U have been thanked.

Nice to see a positive post up right away..! Been running it for many months also, but kept forgetting 1/2 the stuff here :>)) ... at least I'll know where to look now! ha..
Energy questions? Read posts 1-6 and ENERGY FAQ WIKI cdma FIRST!! .. (GSM here)
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Old 09-09-2010, 10:35 PM
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Re: Simple Guide: ANDROID TP2 CDMA TIPS/FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions) Sept. 201

One thing i would suggest for Overclocking if like me u use scripts and the msm7kcpuspeek an easy way to get to stock speed so u can run droid is install the OCT program ( also for overclocking and use it to set speed at 528. This will allow u to run droid and keep ur system overclocked using scripts without going thru really complicated run arounds

Just some information if anyone finds himself in the same situation as me , enjoy.

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Old 09-09-2010, 11:24 PM
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Re: Simple Guide: ANDROID TP2 CDMA TIPS/FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions) Sept. 201

what is Sept 201?
J/K Good Job
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Old 09-10-2010, 10:57 AM
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Re: Simple Guide: ANDROID TP2 CDMA TIPS/FAQ’s Sept. 2010

Looks GREAT! keep up the good work
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Old 09-10-2010, 02:06 PM
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Re: Simple Guide: ANDROID TP2 CDMA TIPS/FAQ’s Sept. 2010

Here's my attempt at contributing to the FAQ, you can copy it up to the top post if you want. I'm no expert, and this is just what I've pieced together myself, so if I'm wrong on anything, someone please correct me.

I want to know more about how all this works!
Android is software that run on top of a custom build of Linux. XDAndroid is the project that is porting Android to our HTC phones. There's a lot of moving parts, and each of them is updated separately. Here is a summary of what's going on:
initrd.gz is a tiny disk image used to boot a Linux kernel, before the real file system can be mounted. The build of this used for XDAndroid is stable, and updates are rare.
zimage and modules together are the Linux kernel, and form the core operating system. This is where hardware drivers are included.
http://gitorious.org/linux-on-qualcomm-s-msm/linux-msm is a list of the changes that have been added lately to the kernel
http://irclog.netripper.com/?chan=htc-linux is a log of the kernel development IRC channel if you want to see what the devs are working on these days
rootfs.img contains additional files needed to run the basic Linux system.
http://xdandroid.southcape.org/rootfs/ is a list of the changes that have been added lately
system.ex2 contains Android's extra parts that run on top of Linux.
http://xdandroid.com/irclogs/ is a log of the XDAndroid development IRC channel
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=711692 the XDA thread usually has a summary of recent changes

Where can I go to find the latest versions of each of the parts?
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Old 09-10-2010, 05:53 PM
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Re: Simple Guide: ANDROID TP2 CDMA TIPS/FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions) Sept. 201

Originally Posted by docnas View Post
O...install the OCT program ( also for overclocking and use it to set speed at 528. This will allow u to run droid and keep ur system overclocked using scripts without going thru really complicated run arounds.
I think this should be added to section III. But I find it easier to just run the OCT GUI and click the on/off button, that way you will be less likely to screw up by setting the wrong speed.
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Old 09-10-2010, 05:58 PM
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Re: Simple Guide: ANDROID TP2 CDMA TIPS/FAQ’s Sept. 2010

Thank you, this may help make it less intimidating...
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Old 09-10-2010, 06:33 PM
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Re: Simple Guide: ANDROID TP2 CDMA TIPS/FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions) Sept. 201

Originally Posted by docnas View Post
One thing i would suggest for Overclocking if like me u use scripts and the msm7kcpuspeek an easy way to get to stock speed so u can run droid is install the OCT program ( also for overclocking and use it to set speed at 528. This will allow u to run droid and keep ur system overclocked using scripts without going thru really complicated run arounds....
Originally Posted by butler360 View Post
I think this should be added to section III. But I find it easier to just run the OCT GUI and click the on/off button, that way you will be less likely to screw up by setting the wrong speed.
Agreed, as I don't run this, have a couple of Q's. Having great success with SetCPU speed 1d & Msmm7kcpuspeek v2 now @ 748 solid. (don't fix it if it works).
You saying I can run the OCT GUI with my setup, click on/off & then run droid? Soooo many options... please send me a link to yours so I can test... THANKS!

Originally Posted by one80oneday View Post
what is Sept 201?
J/K Good Job
:>)) shouldn't be editing from my phoooooone! :>))
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