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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2008, 01:11 PM
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cprog.exe error, wont load touchflo3d

I did a hard reset on my phone after installing too much stuff, trying to make things run better. After i did the hard reset my phone reboots all ok, but then after that anytime i turn it off and back on i get a message that says cprog.exe and then after that message my touchflo3d wont work at all and i also cant access my contacts at all. how can i fix this? i tried another hard reset but it did the same thing.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2009, 04:33 AM
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Re: cprog.exe error, wont load touchflo3d

I have the same problem, since installing the recommended rom upgrade on my Touch HD. Soft resets don't work, HTC suggest a hard reset - so soon after I have reinstalled all my programmes (& I lost half my contacts in the upgrade process). Very annoying, does anyone have another suggestion to fix this problem? Has cprog.exe become correupted, if so can I not simply replace it with a clean file?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2009, 11:10 AM
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Re: cprog.exe error, wont load touchflo3d

i had that problem with a pim file on the touch pro that was from a diamond. when i deleted the diamonds pim it corrected it. im guessin it could be a file somewhere on the phone causin that error
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2009, 07:43 PM
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Re: cprog.exe error, wont load touchflo3d

I would try to boot the phone without your sd card inserted to see if something is trying to run.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2010, 06:32 PM
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Re: cprog.exe error, wont load touchflo3d

Ok my touchFlo won't load. I am responding to an old thread but wondering if this has happened to anyone else. Whenever I reboot my phone it says connecting to hands free activation. Then it will say connecting and reboot like 3 or 4 times. My today screen will not load. It's checked to load. Something is hanging and causing my Tocuh flo to not load.. This is my third time but the 2nd time I kept getting that program error message to several times but all of a sudden mine just started loading a day later after having it off all night with the batter off. This time it didn't help still won't load and I get this error message that says This device is unable to boot because you turned off the device incorrectly or tried to install and application from untrusted source. And it wants me to press volume up and do a reset..

This happened to me before and I did a hard reset the 1st time. I put everything back on the phone that was on there and after a couple months it happened again and I left the phone off all night with the battery off and out of the blue I was on my way to work and when I got in the car it started loading and I got lucky and was really glad. Now for some reason it's doing the same thing and I haven't loaded anything new on my phone. Took it to the sprint store and they said my phone has a software problem and that the hands free activation should not be coming up when I reboot that it should only do that one time when you 1st get a phone. They want to swap me out for a refurb but I'll do a hard reset again before I do that. I also got a black screen with white text that said my phone was unable to boot up click up volume to reset something about a program may be causing it not to boot.. But now it boots to that hands free activation and touch flo will not load.. When I try to open Opera it says loading HTC with a black screen also..

Should I try to remove one program at a time and then reboot each time maybe before I do a hard reset? I have Sirius AP something called Midomi and Neo Reader and all backgrounds and a clock and clean ram core player pocket twit something called trapster. I just wondered if there was any suggestions for me before I go an do another hard rest. Thanks, Rose
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2010, 06:45 PM
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Re: cprog.exe error, wont load touchflo3d

have you A. made sure nothing on your sd card is causing this.
B. tried turning of tf3d for a few boots?
c. tried re-installing the default phone canvas?

I recommend not using tf3d, but to each their own..
it does sound like you installed a bunch of stuff that may not be playing nice with each other, or are all trying to load and access hardware during boot, causing the important stuff to get hung up.
if you really want to avoid a referb, you could try some custom roms, or just unlocking/relocking the phone may trigger good effects, but your hardware may be on the fritz too.
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