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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2010, 02:16 PM
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[ROM|KITCHEN] 6.5.5 Drellisdee Whitestone RC1.6 23569 07/13/10

RC1.5e 23569 Sense 2.5

Beta4.2 SYS 23551 Sense 2.5 2012

7/13/10 RC1.6 is up.
6/30/10 Sense 2.5 Kitchen Released.

My roms retain the global capabilities of the device.

Cmonex: For her hard work on the HardSpl. Make sure you donate to her.
Jmart518: For the registry to rotate Manila from multimedia key.
JooJooBee: For help using Visual Kitchen.
MrX: For Xip tweaking help
DJP952: Donation
Coolingoutofhabit: Donation
maisonpulaski: Donation
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Last edited by Getitnowmarketing; 07-14-2010 at 12:03 AM.
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Old 03-13-2010, 02:17 PM
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Re: Drellisdee Whitestone Alpha 21895


Download Here


Kitchen Info & Download

MMS Fix:

not needed on beta 3

Go to messaging options and change mms server VZW options to wap none, limit 1024, and add your phone number to the end of the MMS Server entry
http://mms.vtext.com/servlets/mms?X-VZW-MDN=(Your Phone Number Here)
Recommended Changes:
Turn Off Stock and Weather Auto Updates in Manila Tabs for Longer Battery Life and Update Manually When Needed.

Beta1 Change Log:

Fixed HTC Youtube Player
Fixed FM Radio
Fixed Audio/Video issues
Removed Vcast TV as it still needs some work.
Changed Rom Compression
Fixed Comm Manager Bluetooth and WifiRouter tabs. You need tap the shortcut in start/tools/wifirouter once for the comm manager link to become selectable.
Fixed locking from start menu lock icon in bottom left corner.
Overall speed and stability improvement.

Beta 2 Change log:
SYS 23549
Changed 1st boot issue with calibration screen

Beta 3 Change log:
Added UC support for auto cab & xml install from SDConfig.txt. Reference here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=366337 (currently doesn't support cabs that require user input and leave out Lock and Reset commands from sdconfig.txt)
Removed HTC Messaging Client
SMS/MMS now using stock Arcsoft so no need for MMS fix.
Visual Voicemail is working correctly now with no HTC Messaging.
Updated Google Maps & Slacker Radio.
Added working swype 3.9.10 (has minor graphic overlap with sip changer)
Added experimental power management tweaks
Cleaned up start menu some (many links now in tools and multimedia folder)

Beta 4.1 Change log:
HTC Messaging back
Changed Dshow, Streaming Media, Streaming SDK back to stock for VcastTV. Thanks Patrickjb
Vcast Tv now works cab install as attachment on this post.
Manila stock and weather autodownloads are off by default.
2 versions Com2 21896 untested need feedback & Com5 23549

Beta 4.2 Change log:
SYS Update 23551
Changed Dshow, Streaming Media, Streaming SDK, and MHub back to updated ones from RhodS2 as was in Beta2 and Beta4.
Vcast Tv is now broken again with the above packages but audio/video should be smooth again in all apps.
Updated MyPhone 1.6.2718
Updated EzInput 2.1 & HTC Album
Removed Swype 3.09 as it was causing stabilty issues.
Changed send key in HTC Messaging to be above paperclip and left soft key is now "back".
Streamlined a few sys and oem pkgs of unneeded items.
Removed the remaining blue highlights from stock pkgs and replaced with green. Thanks Stedy!
Do not send MMS right from camera as it may cause freeze. Send after snapped and saved from album or from messaging insert.

RC1 Change Log:
Update to SYS 23554
Fixed error on installing themes.
Updated HTC Messaging Client
Removed MS Tag, Format SD
Added Total Commander back
Streamlined unnneeded pkgs to give about 8mb more storage.
Added new theme
Do not send MMS right from camera or album as it may cause freeze. Send from text messaging and insert picture.

RC1.1 Change Log:
Fixed stability issue with RC1 as I had a few bad pkgs.
Fixed Youtube again.
Changed green highlight in default theme to a darker green.
Experimental ram changes in resproxy. Should have about 6mb more free ram for system.
Do not send MMS right from camera or album as it may cause freeze. Send from text messaging and insert picture.
Windows Live Package was found to be buggy. If you need it update Windows Live from marketplace.

RC1.1a(23554 and RC1.1 21896) changes:
Xip and performance optimization(thanks Mr. X and FormerPalmOS)
Boot animation changed to HTC HD2 one thanks demonlordoftheround
Removed buggy Windows Live from sys (update from market if you use it as the market one works fine)
Added HTC Leo camera fix
Changed lockscreen showing appt icon when there is none
Cleaned up start menu more
Added navigation start menu folder (added links for VZ Nav download and Garmin XT link to sd card install which is not included in rom)
Added Bubblebreaker back in from older build on com5 sys
Added cabs to toggle weather animations in my Docs/Drellisdee folder. Wait a few minutes after install and soft reset.
Do not send MMS right from camera or album as it may cause freeze. Send from text messaging and insert picture.

RC1.2 change log:
Rebuild of 1.1a with newer faster SYS 23557. See changes above.

RC1.2b change log:
SYS 23559
Used UPX compression on opera, camera, googlemaps, teeter, office, voice command, slacker, rss hub, albumn, adobe reader, tellme, youtube.
UPX used on .exe's for faster loading time and smaller rom size.
Updated to new bing and updated tellme
Added softreset app in tools.
Added saumaun area codes in dialer.
Enabled hidden camera capture modes (GPS Photo etc.) and reduced shutter delay
Do not send MMS right from camera or album as it may cause freeze. Send from text messaging and insert picture.

RC1.3 Change log:
SYS 23563
Performance and driver tweaks (noticeably faster)
Chevy city state area code VZW fix cab in drellisdee folder in My Docs. Reg will not stick cooked in so use cab.
Do not send MMS right from camera or album as it may cause freeze. Send from text messaging and insert picture.

RC1.4 Change Log:
SYS 23568
Updated googlemaps
Removed Showcase
Added HTC Task Manager however it comes at a small price: Custom Taskbars are NOT to be used and will
likely cause the need to hard reset.
Usage of HTC Task Mgr is a little different. From home screen press the top right corner where the small digital clock is and it will pop up. To close press the top left corner of phone. "X" button will not close apps on com3 or com5 but you can quickly pop up HTC Task Mgr to close one or all apps.
"Unnamed goodie" in multimedia folder please leave it unnamed and not mentioned
Do not send MMS right from camera or album as it may cause freeze. Send from text messaging and insert picture.

Removed HTC Task Mgr & replaced with showcase.
Moved back to com5 shellres192.dll so compatible taskbars should work again.
Updated HTC Messaging Client (faster and more stable) also has option to password protect texts in a secure inbox.
Fixed area code dialer so no need for cab fix anymore.

Fixed keyboard bug on reply on email.
Added Footprints Tab.

SYS 23569
Updated Bing
Updated Opera
Updated EZInput, Volume Control, Album to Com3 oems.
Added BT PAN & BT DUN profiles so devices like my toy http://www.archos.com/products/imt/archos_5it/index.html?country=us&lang=en can now tether with phone.
See post http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?p=1747490#post1747490 for keyboard english config.
Any questions regarding how to change keyboard to english will be referred to "Read The F****** Change Log"
MMS should now send from portrait orientation fine from but sending from landscape orientation causes issue with lockup.

Changed back to Old keyboard SIP. (English one)
Enabled registry for transcriber to function.

Changes since 1.5a
Cleaned sense of all lang but wwe
Fixed facebook album
Updated HTC Messaging Client to 1.8.2016
Changed HTC Album for better compatibility

Sense 2.5 Updated to 2016
Cleaned sense 2016 of all lang files except WWE
Relaxed res proxy to allow more memory for Leo sense 2106
Added V-Cast Widgets in multimedia folder and added browser fav for opera widgets for more selection

Note: VCast-Tv cab is only for beta 4.1

Last edited by Getitnowmarketing; 07-14-2010 at 12:02 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2010, 02:18 PM
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Re: Drellisdee Whitestone Alpha 21895

Older Stuff & Experimental:

Drellisdee Whitestone Pre Alpha 1

SYS 21895 Sense 2.5 2012
Youtube walkthrough demo video made by D/\SH for alpha1 com2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7SqJ-HUk8s

This is for you early flashers as its very pre alpha and not nearly as polished as I'd like.

Things needing work:
Vcast-Tv runs but says programming not available (think its a dshow issue)

Drellisdee Whitestone WM6.1 21054

Listed as WM61_21054 need RUU_updater download too.
Backported WM6.5 kernel to WM6.1.
Running stock manila from TP2 wm6.1 rom
Suprisingly fast
Experimental build no planned support at this time

Gps is not detected think radio interface layer isn't coded to use gps for a wm6.1 build. Requires WM6.1 nk.exe which we won't have.
Minor issues with IE but opera works great.
VcastTv will not function on wm6.1

Originally Posted by lafester View Post
loaded up 6.1 to check it out. blazing fast!
will keep it on for a little while to see if i can get used to it again.

Last edited by Getitnowmarketing; 03-30-2010 at 10:51 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2010, 03:26 PM
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Re: [ROM] Drellisdee Whitestone Alpha 21895

Originally Posted by drellisdee View Post
Drellisdee Whitestone Pre Alpha 1

SYS 21895 Sense 2.5 2012

This is for you early flashers as its very pre alpha and not nearly as polished as I'd like. I'll do a com5 soon but the htc phone dialer is killing me on com5 currently. I'm currently at work so I can't tweak it much more at the moment nor upload pics.

Things needing work:
Vcast-Tv runs but says programming not available (think its a dshow issue)
MMS works but you must go to options and change mms server options to wap none, limit 1024, and add your phone number to the end of the "MMSCURL"="http://mms.vtext.com/servlets/mms?X-VZW-MDN="
Drellisdee sorry i'm a newbie sorta... so without pics i dont know what your talking about but i have the following questions:

by adding your rom, does the interface look different(main screen), is it running the same look as sense 2.5

next when u write vcast tv runs, does this mean since it's a custom rom, we wont have to subscribe to Big v's vcast service, instead it will be for free?

thanks for your help and clarification.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2010, 03:53 PM
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Re: [ROM] Drellisdee Whitestone Alpha 21895

Originally Posted by satsun View Post
Drellisdee sorry i'm a newbie sorta... so without pics i dont know what your talking about but i have the following questions:

by adding your rom, does the interface look different(main screen), is it running the same look as sense 2.5

next when u write vcast tv runs, does this mean since it's a custom rom, we wont have to subscribe to Big v's vcast service, instead it will be for free?

thanks for your help and clarification.
Its is using sense 2.5 and thats the home screen. Pic of that in NRG rom thread. Vcast-TV doesn't currently function subscribed or not.

Last edited by Getitnowmarketing; 03-17-2010 at 08:01 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2010, 05:25 PM
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Re: [ROM] Drellisdee Whitestone Alpha 21895

I'm just getting a hang at the HTC boot screen. I'll try reflashing and see if that fixes it.
If I helped in any way, please press the button! Currently running:
Drellisdee Whitestone RC1.4
SYS: Windows Mobile 6.5.5 23568
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2010, 06:24 PM
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Re: [ROM] Drellisdee Whitestone Alpha 21895

I flashed it several times on mine never hung. Try a hard reset.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2010, 06:27 PM
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Re: [ROM] Drellisdee Whitestone Alpha 21895

Originally Posted by drellisdee View Post
I flashed it several times on mine never hung. Try a hard reset.
Yeah, did that. Seems to work fine. Great ROM! Do you have any builds of WM6.5.5 that you can throw this together with in the future?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2010, 06:30 PM
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Re: [ROM] Drellisdee Whitestone Alpha 21895

Originally Posted by cslawren View Post
Yeah, did that. Seems to work fine. Great ROM! Do you have any builds of WM6.5.5 that you can throw this together with in the future?
Yes was gonna do 23544 but had issues with dialer. Once resolved I'll mainly be doing the com5 stuff.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2010, 06:31 PM
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Re: [ROM] Drellisdee Whitestone Alpha 21895

Originally Posted by drellisdee View Post
Yes was gonna do 23544 but had issues with dialer. Once resolved I'll mainly be doing the com5 stuff.
Don't want to sound like the true blonde that I am, but what is com5?
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