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View Poll Results: Are you getting very poor battery performance from the new NRG Roms?
Yes! 156 63.16%
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Somewhat, but still relatively good! 54 21.86%
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 05:51 PM
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Exclamation Battery Issues - Energy ROM - THREADED

Hey Energy Rom users.... I have been having a lot of the battery issues that many folks have been having lately... Been doing some heavy searching this weekend trying to find the perfect combo to make the battery perform at optimal condition. Decided to edit this first post and put my results here -- will continuously update and change per suggestions:

(please let me know modifications that may help)
(always trying everyone feedback and updating periodically with best suggestions on forum)
LAST UPDATE -- 3-25-10

Flash 3-25-10 Energy Rom w/ Max Manilla 23542 Series

General Instructions:

Install Cabs (Described Below)
(01) - Install Battery Monitor Cab - Will give you up to date information to see how much battery drain is occurring(OPTIONAL)

(02) - Install ABC PowerMeter Cab - Will give you information about battery drain over an extended time (OPTIONAL)

(03) - Install Maxx134 BatterySaving Polling Cab - Has some great modified power settings

(04) - Install Shaolin BatterySaver - Has more great modified power settings

(05) - Install Ninja Duck Disable DRV - Smartcard - If you don't use smart card this will save some juice

(06) - Install Ninja Duck Disable DRV TVOUT - This will save some juice by disabling TVOUT

(07) - Install nueBattery TP2DCMA Cab - This is a battery driver cab file that has seemed to help

(0 - WARNING INSTALLING THIS CAB WILL LIKELY DISABLE BLUETOOTH - This cab has seemed to help with power issues but even installing with B/T enabled then restarting the cab seems to kill bluetooth permanently if a reboot without bluetooth is done -- I WOULD NOT INSTALL THIS UNLESS YOU NEVER USE B/T


The best PRL to use for battery saving seems to be 60659 PRL -- TO UPGRADE OR DOWNGRADE TO THIS PRL FOLLOW THESE STEPS

(1) Check MSL - settings, system, device information


1. You need a Reg edit tool like PHM RegEdit or resco registy editor.
2. Go to HKLM\Software\HTC\ATDbgLog
3. Edit item called "Enable" and change from "0" to "1" (leave out quotes.) Save changes.
4. Exit PHM RegEdit or resco registy editor.
5. Shutdown/turnoff device.
6. Turn back on.
7. Once turned on leave running for 1 minute or longer (a log files is being created durring this time in the "\Atlog" folder.)
8. After 1 min go back into registry and set value back to "0". Make sure to save changes and exit PHM RegEdit or resco registy editor.
9. Shutdown device again and turn back on.
10. Varify that the Registry value is still set to "0", if not then repeat above steps and wait 1 min before shutting down the second time in step 9.
11. Now you should open Explorer and go to the folder "\Atlog" in the root directory of your device.
12. You shoould see a file called "ATDbg0" (the "0" may be another number like 1), if your using another file browser you may see the full file name include the "xtx" extention. This file is a text file and can be opened in Word mobile.
13. open the file and use the find feature to locate "RMSL", you should soon find a line item that includes a 6 digit number, this is your MSL code.

(3) INSTALL MSL UPDATE 60659 09_60659_PRL cab below

1. Download and unzip prl file to storage card
2. Dial ##775#
3. Enter your MSL code
4. Select menu then edit
5. Browse to the location you unzipped the prl file to
6. Select the prl file, press ok
7. Press ok again
8. Select yes, phone will restart


Last edited by conkid; 03-25-2010 at 10:58 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 06:08 PM
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Re: Battery Issues - Energy ROM - THREADED

I've been using Ninja Ducks power settings cab, Ninja Ducks dissable services cabs, and Maxx134_BatterySaving_ReducePollingIntervals.cab, with good results. What I did was took Ninja Ducks disable services, regs, and Max134's regs (some) and made my own cab. I found that Battery polling made a huge difference for me.
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Old 03-07-2010, 06:17 PM
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Re: Battery Issues - Energy ROM - THREADED

Originally Posted by shaolinsoldier79 View Post
I've been using Ninja Ducks power settings cab, Ninja Ducks dissable services cabs, and Maxx134_BatterySaving_ReducePollingIntervals.cab, with good results. What I did was took Ninja Ducks disable services, regs, and Max134's regs (some) and made my own cab. I found that Battery polling made a huge difference for me.
The batterysaving reduce polling interval - What exactly is this? Would you mind posting it?

I am on the March 5th 23542 normal 2.5. I have done a few Ninja Duck disabling services and that bluetooth fix, but am still experiencing poor battery life. It has dropped from full to 60% with little to no usage in 5-6 hours.
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Old 03-07-2010, 06:21 PM
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Re: Battery Issues - Energy ROM - THREADED

I have nothing installed as for battery enhancements, I spent 3 hours straight texting and surfing the net and it was on stand by for 9 hours

Battery life afterwards was 76%.. Seems real good for me as my back light and keyboard light was almost on for 3 hours straight

And I get 0-2 bars (Out of 5) in EV and full bars in 1x if that makes a difference
Running whatever the latest 23xxx NRG Dinik+Cookie ROM is
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 06:29 PM
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Re: Battery Issues - Energy ROM - THREADED

This is a copy of what I have posted in the ENRGZ Rom thread:

Been doing some testing and here is what I have come up with...

Started with Fresh flash (Feb22 Std) with nothing installed

1) Installed the attached battery monitor (Attached file 01)to check settings

Battery DisChargeCurrent 250-285 mA
ChargeCurrent 450 mA (usb 2.0 lets me know quick charge isn't working - should be 900+ mA)

2) Installed the attached nuebattery2 driver (Attached file 02)and enabled quick charge settings and don't round percentage to re-enable 1% reading and reset

Battery DisChargeCurrent 250-285 mA
ChargeCurrent 922 mA (now it is quick charging)

3) A lot people are supecting that the battery issue is related to bluetooth whether you are using it or not so I installed the SprintStockBTDlls (Attached file 03) file
**This is key -----> Enabled BT first, installed BT dll's cab, reset, then disabled BT...
It has been found that installing this cab with BT off will prevent BT from working

Original thread from mrmediaguy at Mighty's for reference on this subject:

Battery DisChargeCurrent 164mA (plugged into activesync via usb 2.0)

Battery DisChargeCurrent 46mA (unplugged)

To me this is a substantial difference in discharge and charging amounts.

**Also noted is to disable face down mute polling:

Here is the reg edit:

FaceDownMuteRing (change to 0)

To clarify:
cab 01 is to see what your phone is doiong in reguards to discharge and charge
cab 02 is a different battery driver that enables quick charge and helps reduce discharge
cab 03 is a fix revolving around the BT Dlls even if you don't use BT and have it disabled it has been tested by people on both Sprint and Verizon to resolve battery discharge issues.
Calkulin's_EViO_2_ROM_v1.3 using MY ColorNClear Themes
Hit the Thanks! or your phone will turn into an iPhone and all the other kids will point and laugh at you!

Last edited by Riptide9; 03-08-2010 at 10:12 PM.
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Old 03-07-2010, 06:29 PM
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Re: Battery Issues - Energy ROM - THREADED

here is the Maxx cab &
here is my cab that I put together, again I just combined;

1) Ninja Ducks disable service cabs
2) Maxx134_BatterySaving_ReducePollingIntervals.cab
3) FaceDownMuteRing disable.

credit goes to OPs, I just put it together to suite me better...

plus just one cab to install!

EDIT: Reuploaded my cab, there was a couple keys out of place

Last edited by shaolinsoldier79; 03-07-2010 at 09:22 PM.
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Old 03-07-2010, 07:19 PM
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Re: Battery Issues - Energy ROM - THREADED

is the face down mute ring built into these?
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Old 03-07-2010, 07:29 PM
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Re: Battery Issues - Energy ROM - THREADED

Edited - read post 1

Last edited by conkid; 03-08-2010 at 10:20 PM.
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Old 03-07-2010, 08:25 PM
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Re: Battery Issues - Energy ROM - THREADED

Originally Posted by conkid View Post
is the face down mute ring built into these?
Yes it's in my cab..
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 08:28 PM
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Re: Battery Issues - Energy ROM - THREADED

I take it the lesser the discharge the better, correct?
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro 2

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