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Old 09-02-2008, 11:50 PM
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Alltel GPS with A-GPS - super fast lockon

*UPDATED 12-5-09*

This is a tutorial to get your Internal GPS to work much better. This fix Now Applies to Alltel, Bell, Cricket, MetroPCS, Sprint, Telus, and Verizon, Iusacell Mexico. It will work on the 6800/mogul/titan , 6900/vogue/touch , Touch Pro/Fuze, Diamond, Touch Pro 2, damn near all HTC phones as far as I know. I have personally done this on my 6800, touch pro, diamond, and now my touch pro 2.

It will:
1. Lock on to satellites MUCH quicker (5-30 seconds)
2. Acquire more satellites (5-11)
3. Don't need to prime the GPS anymore (There are still a few appz that will need Priming)



Some credit goes to this thread by gc14:
This is a slight modification of his tutorial. (I got agps working a day before him. )
We will:
Install a PC software package called QPST that allows us to edit a portion of our phone that contains gpsOne settings.
Install drivers on the PC to allow it to detect our phone running in diagnostic mode.
Put the phone in diagnostic mode, connect it to the computer, run QPST on PC, edit the gpsOne settings on the phone.
Edit the registry, soft reset, and test it out.
1. Windows XP computer. Vista and Windows 7 will work too.
2. USB cable to connect Titan to PC (duh)
3. This Software Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/vqikh1... build 323.zip
4. A PPC Registry Editor: http://www.dotfred.net/TM/TaskMgrv3.1_WM2005.zip (Not needed if you use the cab file at the end of post #2)
5. Your GPS must already be enabled.
-If you run WM 6.0 see this thread to Enable GPS: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...l+gps+easy+way
-Or flash a GPS Enabled ROM (most WM 6.1 Roms are GPS enabled)
----------------------CONNECTING OUR PHONE TO QPST---------------------------------
1. Run Wmodemdriverinstaller.exe on your PC (This will install the DIAG driver)
2. Click install drivers, wait, once it says completed just close window
3. Install qpst_2.7 build 323.exe on your PC, next click through it
4. On Phone dial ##3424 , then plug it into USB port, WAIT TILL ALL DEVICES ARE INSTALLED (WAIT A GOOD 60 SECONDS)
5. Open Windows Device manager (right click on My Computer, click 'Properties', Click 'Hardware' Tab, 'Device manager' Button) on PC
6. Expand the item called 'Ports (COM & LPT)' on PC
7. Look for an item called 'HTC Diagnostic Interface' record what COM PORT it is. See PIC http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment...5&d=1220413812 Your COMM Port may not be the same.
8. On PC click start\All Programs\QPST\QPST Configuration. Click 'Ports' Tab. Click 'Add New Port' Button in lower right.
9. Click on the Device with the same COM port from as the 'HTC Diagnostic Interface' then click OK. (You may need to manually enter it. use COMX, i.e. COM6. description is COMX, i.e. COM6) see pic http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment...8&d=1235366951
10. Click 'Active Phones' tab. click 'Start Clients' drop down, then click 'SERVICE PROGRAMMING'
11. Click 'OK' in 'Phone Selection' window (code is 000000) see troubleshooting if it fails
-------------------------APPLY THE FIX-------------------------------------------------
1. Click 'Read from Phone' button in bottom left corner
2. Click 'Save to File...' button don't change name and save to your desktop. (just to have a backup)
3. Scroll over to 'gpsOne' tab (upper right corner)
4. Click all the check boxes on the left hand side so they are all blank. (all 9, See pic http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment...7&d=1220844244)
5. THEN Click all the boxes so they are checked. (all 9) (yes it's strange)
6. At 'PDE IP Address' enter: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ---See post #2 for your carrier IP
7. At 'PDE Port Number' enter: xxxx ---See post #2 for your carrier PORT
8. At 'PDE Transport' select: IP
9. At 'Position Calculation' select: mobile or PDE ---See post #2 for your carrier Position Calculation
10. Click 'Write to Phone' (lower left corner)
11. Once completed, enter ##3424 on the phone again
12. Tap exit, then 'Yes' button on the phone
13. Unplug phone and soft rest
-------------------------EDIT THE REGISTRY--------------------------------------------
*UPDATE* There is a cab file at then end of post #2 that will create these registry settings automatically. Some custom Romz require this NOT to be done. DO NOT edit the registry or install the registry edit cabs if u have a new phone with a new custom rom. try the agps without the reg edit. if it doesnt work that good then try with the reg edit.

1. Open a PPC Registry Editor
3. Set these values:
---------- GPSMode = 2 (Value is 4 if your position calculation method is PDE)
---------- ServerIP = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ---See post #2 for your carrier IP
---------- ServerPort = xxxx ---See post #2 for your carrier PORT
4. Exit, Save
5. Soft Reset
- The Alltel WM 6.1 ROM erased my PDE IP and PDE Port settings in QPST. If you flash this ROM you may need to redo this fix. (regardless if you let the customizations run or not.)
-The Alltel Radio 1.12.20F Broke my AGPS on my Alltel Touch Pro. Revert back to 1.03.13F.
- If ##3424 Does NOT work for you then follow these steps:

Try ##3424#, #3424, or #3424#. (If that doesn't work see next)

- Download Task Manager (if u haven't already) Here:
Put it on your phone. I don't think it installs. so run it from where u copied it to.
Once u get task manager loaded up on your phone:

1. click on 'actions'
2. click on 'run a program'
3. under 'Open:' click the '...' button to browse for a program
4. expand the 'Windows' Folder
5. scroll down and click 'DmRouter.exe' then click 'Done'
6. under 'Extra parameters' enter /DIAG
7. Click 'Done'
Do this whenever the tutorial asks you to do the ##3424 step.
- Sprint and Telus may need to use GetSPC if 000000 is not their code
here: http://rapidshare.com/files/44874437/GetSPC.zip.html <-- Run this on the Phone.
- Make sure you are at the gpsOne tab when you click 'write to phone'. Changing tabs can cause the settings not to be written properly to the phone.
-If it takes more then 2 minutes to get a lock. Then you arent using AGPS check the PDE IP and PDE Port number, Check your registry.
-If your registry settings are reseting back to default on softreset. Then use the cab file from post #2 that pertains to your carrier.
-Check Your ROM
start\settings\system\Device Information
PPC6800 > ROM ---3.35 or greater
PPC6800 > Radio --3.37 or greater

PPC6900 > ROM ---3.04 or greater
PPC6900 > Radio --3.37 or greater
-Location Setting must be ON.
Phone\menu\options...\Services\Location Setting
-Check Your GPS setting:
start/settings/system/external gps
Program Tab: Com 4
Hardware Tab: gps hardare port= none, baudrate = 4800 baud
Access Tab: check 'manage gps automatically'
-Test Using Google Maps:
Open Google Maps, Click 'Use GPS'
-------If you get 'Initializing GPS...'
Then your Gps Com ports are wrong in google maps, you didnt soft reset, you didnt let windows manage gps.

-------If you get 'Seeking GPS satellites (0)...'
Then your location setting is set to OFF, your com ports are set wrong in windows, you didnt let windows manage gps, didnt wait long enough, obstructed view to satellites.
- Advanced Config Tweak will sometimes break the AGPS. Even if you dont change anything related to gps in it. A fix is to tell Advanced Config not to use logging.
-If this doesnt work for and you have gone through all the troubleshooting then its because u didnt follow the directions properly or u have a custom rom that wasnt cooked right. Most likely the designer of the custom rom or kitchen is at fault. Flash a new rom. Or the radio u have is not compatible. try upgrading or down grading your radio. newer radio roms dont always mean better reception. flash a new radio.

- If you HARD RESET or FLASH a new ROM, the settings in QPST COULD be lost. The Registry settings WILL be lost. You will need to redo this fix.
-MetroPCS users will need to use position calculation = PDE
-Sprint users may need to use position calculation = PDE (if u have poor results with 'mobile')

- The reason we now use position calculation=mobile and gpsmode=2 is:
1. We rely MUCH less on the cell towers (less evdo data used and works well in areas with no coverage)
2. Less battery power used
3. Better for Turn-By-Turn software (like TomTom)
4. We don't rely on the Cell phone companies to give us our position. (greater anonymity. they already know what tower we are connected to regardless of this fix, but they don't need to know our precise location)
5. Only bad thing is that it will take a few seconds longer to get the initial fix (5-10 secs longer) and it won't work AS well indoors. But trust me the Pros outweigh the Cons.

Test it out, indoors and outdoors. you will probably not notice a difference, Which is good.

- Wifi may not work with the PDE Server. It may prevent the agps data from being downloaded if it is on.

- This requires a data connection. It will use 100 bytes (1/10 of 1Kilobyte) when accessing the PDE servers.

HowTo videos:

Part #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UNJi1ufazM
Part #2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTrouf_s3aE
Troubleshooting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y25bSH-eorA

no warranty included. this is for educational purposes only.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg 01.JPG (30.9 KB, 1439 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg qpst.JPG (55.4 KB, 1259 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg addport.jpg (48.0 KB, 460 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by shadow-tech; 12-20-2009 at 04:25 PM. Reason: Added Videos, TP 2 Now supported with QPST 2.7 build 323
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2008, 01:17 AM
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Re: Alltel GPS with A-GPS - super fast lockon

*UPDATED 3-1-09* I created a ZIP file that now has 9 cab files in it. download and extract the cab file that pertains to your carrier. It will create the registry settings automatically. You will still need to enter these values in QPST manually. This CAB is just for the registry. See bottom for download.


Alltel: (credit goes to Blaine12 at PPCgeeks)

PDE IP Address =
PDE Port Number = 8888
PDE Transport = IP
Position Calculation = mobile

Bell: (credit goes to 88fingerslukee as PPCgeeks)

PDE IP Address:
PDE Port number: 8888
PDE Transport: IP
Position Calculation: mobile

Cricket: (credit goes to loc37 at PPCgeeks)
PDE IP Address =
PDE Port Number = 8080
PDE Transport = IP
Position Calculation = mobile

MetroPCS: (credit goes to fred_dj at ppcgeeks)

Server IP Address =
Server Port Number = 3425
PDE Transport = IP
Position Calcultation = PDE ( Using mobile will work, but takes forever )

Telus: (proly some nuck)

PDE IP Address =
PDE Port Number = 8889
PDE Transport = IP
Position Calculation = mobile

Sprint: (this works according to reeg420, thanks!)
PDE IP Address =
PDE Port Number = 5017
PDE Transport = IP
Position Calculation = mobile (PDE may work better for sprint)

Verizon: (credit goes to GC14 and Skywing at XDA)

PDE IP Address = <-- this has been to said to not be working anymore. use the alltel one. pm the right one if u got it.
PDE Port Number = 8888
PDE Transport = IP
Position Calculation = mobile

Iusacell Mexico: (credit goes to megapinky at PPCgeeks)

PDE IP Address =
PDE Port Number = 8888
PDE Transport = IP
Position Calculation = mobile


ServerIP =
ServerPort = 7788

Im giving credit to the people who gave it to me. I dont know where the info originated.
Attached Files
File Type: zip AGPS_FIX_REG_CAB.zip (6.2 KB, 2345 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by shadow-tech; 12-12-2009 at 04:58 PM. Reason: Updated Cab Download (added Cricket)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2008, 02:11 AM
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Re: Alltel GPS with A-GPS - super fast lockon


Thank you for the Alltel info. I was wondering if the Alltel/VZW merger would open up new possibilities for AGPS on VZW and it looks like there are. I tried the Alltel PDE IP and I got a lock with google maps in 6sec inside my home. I have never before had such lock speed within a building. I have shared your findings over on XDA http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...30#post2597330 with a link back to your original thread here.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2008, 02:46 AM
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Re: Alltel GPS with A-GPS - super fast lockon


Last edited by shadow-tech; 09-26-2008 at 01:32 PM.
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Old 09-03-2008, 08:32 AM
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Re: Alltel GPS with A-GPS - super fast lockon

VZW.... Initially, 4 wasn't working. Satellites were hopping around in Garmin Mobile XT. I changed it to 2.. soft-reset. Locked in around 15 seconds. Normally, I can't get anything to lock. Awesome Fix!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2008, 09:17 AM
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Re: Alltel GPS with A-GPS - super fast lockon

gpsmode 4 does nothing
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2008, 09:40 AM
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Re: Alltel GPS with A-GPS - super fast lockon

Yup. I read that in GC's post that GPSMode = 4 works on Sprint only.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2008, 11:05 AM
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Re: Alltel GPS with A-GPS - super fast lockon

Someone mentioned in the first few posts that this works on all carriers except Sprint. I am assuming the IP address that does the aGPS belongs to Altel, isn't that going to be carrier specific? i.e. I am on US Cellular, how would Altel's server know where my towers are in order to get a position for it to use to seed the GPS?

Don't get me wrong, I plan to try this, because I'm sick of 5-10 minute locks personally. I flashed my friends phone (also on USCC), we walk outside, I click on GPSToday, and within 3-5 seconds it had 4 satellites and within 10 seconds had his position. I tried mine today, every stop light I came to I tried to refresh, and even let it keep trying as I was driving, and after 15 minutes, nada....

I'm just thinking some phones are better than others. But hell, if this even slightly improves my sync time, I will be happy as possible.

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Old 09-03-2008, 12:35 PM
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Re: Alltel GPS with A-GPS - super fast lockon

After a hard reset will these settings still stand, I flash daily and so I dont wnat to make these and then have to do it again 5 hours later.

Does anyone know if a hard reset will keep these settings.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2008, 12:45 PM
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Re: Alltel GPS with A-GPS - super fast lockon

I do know how to read font size 64 when i see it.

Last edited by shadow-tech; 09-04-2008 at 11:18 PM. Reason: housekeeping
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