ActiveSync with HTC Mogul
Hello all... I didn't see my phone/device listed any where else so I thought I'd post here.
I have an HTC Mogul PPC6800 that I just bought referb-ed, its really nice and seems to be working well. I down loaded "ActiveSync" and installed it on my PC which Sync-ed up my phone immediately.
The problem/question I have is; It will not show me the pictures I have on the phone or the memory card. It pulls up and shows the list but will not do thumbnails or open the picture. When I dbl click it simply shows the properties of it and does not give "open" as an option on the menu.
Any idea why it will not show the picture? My last phone was a Samsung "Rant" and when I plugged it in and went into the mass storage it showed all the pictures no problem. Of course allowing me to see what I wanted to keep or get rid of.
Thanks... BTW I did look at the suggested links but didn't find this info there.
Oh and yes the pictures show on the phone no problem...
Referb-ed HTC Mogul 6800 w/WinMobile 6.1
Last edited by 1badcj8; 11-28-2009 at 12:01 PM.