I am trying to write a script that will determine for me which packagis corrupted, or causing problems in the kitchen. I am not that good at batch I guess because I cannot make this work. It should just copy each package in from a set directory (of suspect packages) and run platformrebuilder with only that package in there. If it works, it just removes that package and moves in the next one in the suspect directory and so on, once it detects an errorlevel from platformrebuilder, it moves the bad package into a different directory and continues until its done. at that point it will just run forever because I have not gotten that far yet...
but it will tell me what I want to know anyway.
Here's the set-up:
@echo off
if not exist debug_ext_packages md debug_ext_packages
if exist debug_ext echo Claening up after last run.. && rmdir /s /q debug_ext
if not exist debug_ext md debug_ext
if not exist BROKEN_EXT md BROKEN_EXT
set LOG=debug_kitchen.txt
if exist %LOG% del %LOG%
set BUILD=both
set LOCALE=0409
set ROMHDR=ROM\TEST\romhdr.bin
set EXT_PATTERNS=debug_ext\*
set DSM_TEMPLATE=723fb954-d931-4348-b672-82a188e587b5.dsm
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in ('dir /A:D /s /b debug_ext_packages') do (
move %%A debug_ext
echo %%A
TOOLS\platformrebuilder.exe >NUL
rmdir /s /q debug_ext\*
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" (
echo Package %%A breaks the kitchen!
inside SYS\TEST is just 23504 SYS like normal
inside TEST is just my OEM stuff, like oemdrivers, etc
inside ROM\TEST is just 23504 XIP.
can anyone shed some light on why this doesn't work? I know this is not really a PPC question and more of a general windows batch question..
maybe you just cannot refer to a variable like that on the next line? though since it is all in the ('s it should be included??? thanks for all insight!