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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2009, 10:36 AM
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AT&T to launch the Tilt 2 on October 6th; coincidence?

Here we go again folks.


Oh no, we’re not done just yet ladies and gents. We already know October 6th is going to be a glorious day and now it looks like AT&T subscribers will be able to join in on the fun. Have you been feeling left out, wondering when AT&T would finally launch the HTC Touch Pro2 that is already available from T-Mobile, Sprint and Verizon? Dry those eyes, as AT&T apparently had a good reason to hold off on the launch. According to our ninja, AT&T is preparing to launch the Pro2 — dubbed Tilt 2 by AT&T as we already know — on October 6th. Since we highly doubt it’s a coincidence that the 6th happens to be the same day Windows Mobile 6.5 becomes a reality, it’s a safe bet that the Tilt 2 will pack WinMo 6.5 right out of the box if all goes according to plan. Sure, it might have taken a while but AT&T fans can now take solace in knowing they’ll be rocking 6.5 while other Pro2 owners are busy trying to upgrade.
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Old 09-18-2009, 12:37 PM
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Re: AT&T to launch the Tilt 2 on October 6th; coincidence?

Scratch that...


AT&T to launch the Tilt 2 on October 18th? [UPDATED]

Oh no, we’re not done just yet ladies and gents. We already know October 6th is going to be a glorious day and now it looks like AT&T subscribers will be able to join in on the fun. Have you been feeling left out, wondering when AT&T would finally launch the HTC Touch Pro2 that is already available from T-Mobile, Sprint and Verizon? Dry those eyes, as AT&T apparently had a good reason to hold off on the launch. According to our ninja, AT&T is preparing to launch the Pro2 — dubbed Tilt 2 by AT&T as we already know — on October 6th [UPDATE: It looks like the target release date of the 6th will be missed due to a few bugs that still need to be ironed out and tested. The new target is apparently October 18th]. Since the release will come after Windows Mobile 6.5 becomes a reality on the 6th, it’s a safe bet that the Tilt 2 will pack WinMo 6.5 right out of the box if all goes according to plan. Sure, it might have taken a while but AT&T fans can now take solace in knowing they’ll be rocking 6.5 while other Pro2 owners are busy trying to upgrade.

Last edited by Magoo_215; 09-18-2009 at 12:41 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2009, 10:33 PM
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Re: AT&T to launch the Tilt 2 on October 6th; coincidence?

Cant wait... Hope it has the 3.5 jack. Otherwise I may become a sprint customer again!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2009, 11:14 PM
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Re: AT&T to launch the Tilt 2 on October 6th; coincidence?

Looks like the GSM unlocked version, I assume those are AT&T photos, probably arnt

I think AT&T never intended to release the TP2 thinking they had the market with the Fuze and Iphone, and now they just want a last minute release with something they can catch a quick profit without us WinMo people to laugh in their face,

Being over a month since the Verizon release, seeing no signs of test models that are hinting to a specific AT&T design, I am laughing,
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2009, 02:38 PM
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Re: AT&T to launch the Tilt 2 on October 6th; coincidence?

Just some more info on the Tilt2

HTC Tilt 2 reappears in AT&T’s system in preparation for launch


Are you an AT&T subscriber anxiously awaiting the day when you can finally make the HTC Tilt 2 your own? If so, good news first came back in August when we gave you a screenshot of the handset sitting pretty in AT&T’s system. Things got even better yesterday when we told you the highly anticipated phone is scheduled to drop in mid-October with Windows Mobile 6.5 in tow. Today, just for good measure, one of our eagle-eyed tipsters managed to unearth a new screenshot, this time with the Tilt 2 holding a slightly more established position in AT&T’s system. Our last capture simply showed entries for the standard Tilt 2 along with a No Camera version — this time around we can clearly see that AT&T has added insurance options for both versions of the Windows Phone, as well as entries for used handsets. We’re also hearing that training is set to kick off soon after having been delaying due to the bug we mentioned yesterday. That bug, by the way, involved an AT&T-specific addition to the software, meaning those of you upset by the two-week delay shouldn’t be blaming HTC or Microsoft. Mmm hmm.
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