sprint apache
So anyone know if sprint still has a few random apaches lieing around or are they upgrading to Touch pros now?
Update: How do I make my ppc look like an iPhone?
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Re: sprint apache
I think apaches ran out in 08-early 09. Now its possibly Moguls, most likely TP. I called a few stores in my area (glendale, az) and none had moguls. I had planned to retire my apache and just buy a new mogul from sprint, then eventually claim the mogul out on TEP and get a TP.
Moto Q Sprint
PPC 6700 (1.02 WM5/Android Test machine) Qwest PPC 6700 (1.00 WM5>WM6.1>WM6.5) Sprint (Original hardware hiding under a new symbol) PPC 6700 (2.02 WM5>WM6.5) Sprint Guide:Activate WM6.1/WM6.5 flashed phone without ##MSL# code Guide:Android on the Apache I know where the thanks button is, do you? |
Re: sprint apache
I think if you already have TEP on your plan it remains for your apache if you choose to put it back on, did you buy it from sprint or a private seller? Thats the only reason they may remove it. Just call and ask.
Edit/Update: I actually called sprint this morning because my internet wasn't working, the rep had me reset my data settings in epst, hard reset, then try again. Still didn't work, so he voted my apache was broken and decided I needed a new phone. Now, he told me I would likely get a 6900, which I was OK with, but playing dumb I asked if it had a keyboard, he said no so he looked to see what phone I was eligible for to replace my apache, saying a mogul was on the list I was happy. Then he took my address (different from billing) and told me they had ONE apache there. DAMMIT. So, I get a new apache from the bowels of some sprint warehouse in china or something. But, hey, free (waived the fees since I had no insurance) new apache is a win for something like non working internet. This rep will be getting high marks on that damn survey they call me with all the time. I wonder if I had pushed for that 6900 if I would have gotten it... Moral of the story, if you have TEP, go to a STORE, don't call it in. Oh, and know when to keep your mouth shut, dunno if I would have gotten the apache in the end or not, but I guess I'll never know. I'll miss my V1.00 apache, running at 624 rock solid all day long will likely be a thing of the past =( Last edited by pio_masaki; 09-12-2009 at 11:27 AM. |
Re: sprint apache
The Apache was my first PPC bought from Sprint, and I've had TEP on my account ever since then, which is about 4 years now. Before that I had an iPaq tethered to an iDen phone.
I've never called then, I always do Self-Service which works the fastest. I guess I'll just switch my phone inside my account and then try the self-service page to see if it'll allow a swap. If it offers a swap I think that should tell me whether TEP will cover that phone. Thanks for the info though, I appreciate it. Sorry about your loss though, nothing tougher in the PPC world than those Apache's. |
Re: sprint apache
About 2 weeks ago I had Sprints techs look at my phone because of a bad keyboard ... they ended up sending me a refurbished Apache. I quickly sent it back because the case had a crack in it, it was poorly painted, etc. So as of Aug 20th Sprint still has some Apaches.
Re: sprint apache
Yea I noticed the case on mine is really poorly made, I mean it's horrible quality and nothing CLOSE to what my apache had that they replaced. I still haven't sent back the one they replaced, so I'm not sure if I will complain about the quality of the phone they sent, seeing as it's in worse cosmetic condition then my old one. The back/sides are fine, as is the screen and digitizer, its the front face thats horrible, it looks like it got to close to a heat source or something. The finish is not smooth, it's like a bad spray paint with a texture to it, not smooth. The lines that are around the screen, hard to explain..but they should be different levels, in 3 places they aren't, it's like it melted down to the same level. Horrible quality control on this one. Oh and the plastic cutouts for the LEDs aren't even correctly formed. Hardware wise, it's as good as new, it's just cosmetic, and aside from the fact that it's horrible quality, it doesn't bother me much, if I didn't know what it SHOULD look like, I probably wouldn't have noticed.
Then again, they sent it out for free, without TEP, and it works 100%, so I probably shouldn't / won't complain about it until something more substantial happens to it, and they even let me activate TEP on this one, so no matter what I can get a new one now. Last edited by pio_masaki; 09-18-2009 at 09:28 PM. |
Re: sprint apache
Yes mine was in the same condition as pio_masaki's, didn't get a chance to try everything out though. I figured that for my haven't ever making a claim and paying the TEP every month, they would have served me better. I guess I just had a problem with having to load a new rom as I have currently and going through the hassle of reflashing, etc. Maybe I really should just wait until I get the money to invest on a TP2 ...
Re: sprint apache
Well the phone they sent out works perfectly fine, though it didn't have that tamper sticker on the screw like a new one would, and the board had finger prints all over it and the joystick thing is missing the rubber part. It was a purely cosmetic issue, the phone has been great so far, and I didn't even notice it but my old one seems to have had an earpiece issue, this one is definatly louder, though still not very good in a crowd. Guess this means they're running out finally lol
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