sprint ppc6700 to cricket
It may just be me, however I have read all over about how to perform the conversion, inclusive of the needed PST setting changes, however my phone still will not recognize cricket's towers (tried several cricket PRLs).
I am located in the Philadelphia market area in PA (more specifically Allentown, Quakertown, etc area wise). Does anyone here have any ideas on this as to why it would not work? I have read numerous times on people having been successful in switching their 6700's over and having them fully working in all aspects. For whatever reason even with the cricket prl, I have only been able to find verizon's towers even when I am in a cricket service area....
I have already done the respect NAM setting change(s) and so forth in EPST to no avail.
Any help here is appreciated with this (as since I have a decent working 6700 I'd really rather use that sooner than buying another phone, one of which I probably would not like as much).
Btw almost forgot to note the SPC was reset to all 0's of course.
PPC6700 w/ WinCE 6.5
w/ Radio 1.43