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Old 08-27-2009, 04:33 PM
envieth's Avatar
Pocket PC: Motorola Q9m with Q9c software
Carrier: Original: Verizon Current: MetroPCS
Location: Miami
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Question Q9c on MetroPCS WAP/Data Problem

Beforehand thanks for reading, now here's a something I've been noticing wierd in the past few days with my Q9c flashed to MetroPCS. When I first got it and I was trying to go on the internet it would always say in the first page "Resource Not Found", I knew that was no problem after that was cleared I was able to browse, log on to AIM, run Pandora, and other apps would work fine as well. Now a couple of days ago I noticed that the "Resource Not Found" page would not appear when I started the Internet explorer instead it took me directly to my home page, which I thought was magnificent because I didn't have to deal with the MetroPCS WAP timeout anymore, but (and here's where the problem lies) applications like AIM and Pandora once they "connect" to their server they stay just stuck there. For example AIM would just freeze at the Loading buddy list screen, and Pandora would freeze at the Connecting screen. Does anyone know why this is happening? Is MetroPCS changing their data service and making it worse than before?

Again thanks for reading.
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > Windows Smartphones > Devices > Motorola Q9

metro, motorola, pcs, q9c, wap

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