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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 04:54 PM
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Question HTC Won't Change Themes!!?

Hi, I am a first time owner of a PPC (HTC Touch Pro) & new member here and I would like help with some questions I have about wall papers and themes.

NOTE: If these subjects have already been disussed, then please feel free to direct me to the correct link.

1) How do I "properly" switch between themes in my HTC TP?

I did Start> Settings> Today> Appearance> selected image or theme in the device> hit ok and nothing happen to my home page or any other front menu pages/tabs.

2) Where is the best place to place wall paper pictures in your device so that my back ground changer can access them easier?

PS: I know these are very very basic noob questions but I haven't quite figured everything out without a manual, so that's why I'm asking.

Thanks if you can help,

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Last edited by Ninjakills1; 08-12-2009 at 07:27 PM.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 07:33 PM
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Re: HTC Cosmetic Modefication Help (Wall Paper & Themes)

Originally Posted by Ninjakills1 View Post
Hi, I am a first time owner of a PPC (HTC Touch Pro) & new member here and I would like help with some questions I have about wall papers and themes.

NOTE: If these subjects have already been disussed, then please feel free to direct me to the correct link.

1) How do I "properly" switch between themes in my HTC TP?

I did Start> Settings> Today> Appearance> selected image or theme in the device> hit ok and nothing happen to my home page or any other front menu pages/tabs.

2) Where is the best place to place wall paper pictures in your device so that my back ground changer can access them easier?

PS: I know these are very very basic noob questions but I haven't quite figured everything out without a manual, so that's why I'm asking.

Thanks if you can help,

Both questions are simple answers..

1. As far as Themes go once you choose one they are typically stored in your programs folder. To switch between Themes simple go to your Start Menu/Settings/Personal/Today/items... This how you determine what Theme is displayed on your Today Screen. By simply placing a check mark in the box of the application you want will activate the Theme on the Today Screen. What you described by selecting a Theme in the Appearance Tab only changes the system look of the Today Screen..i.e. the Task Bar and Notification Bar color, icon colors based on the System theme you have installed. Again the to change themes like HTC Home, Wisbar, Weather Panel and other Themes you have installed use the Item Tab.Once you select the Item Tab the rest should be self explanatory.

2. Always store Images on a Storage Card to maximize Available Storage Space on the Device istelf. To make any image as the Today Background, simply navigate using your File Explorer to Storage Card/My Documents/My Pictures.. or where ever you have your Background Images stored on your Storage Card, and select the Image to open it then select the Menu Tab in the lower left corner and choose Set As Today Background. You should be all set. i hope I have shed some light on manipulating these task.. Good Luck!
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 08:56 PM
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Question Re: HTC Won't Change Themes!!?

Hey Goddbody,

Thanks for the help.

On the wallpaper subject still, I can change my today wallpaper OK, but is there a way I can make that wallpaper remain the same through all the tabs i.e. it is only visible in the Today screen and no other tab like the Weather, Programs etc.

Is there a registry setting that needs to be changed or something that can be done without touching the registry?


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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 11:50 PM
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Re: HTC Cosmetic Modefication Help (Wall Paper & Themes)

Originally Posted by Goddbody View Post
Both questions are simple answers..

1. As far as Themes go once you choose one they are typically stored in your programs folder. To switch between Themes simple go to your Start Menu/Settings/Personal/Today/items... This how you determine what Theme is displayed on your Today Screen. By simply placing a check mark in the box of the application you want will activate the Theme on the Today Screen. What you described by selecting a Theme in the Appearance Tab only changes the system look of the Today Screen..i.e. the Task Bar and Notification Bar color, icon colors based on the System theme you have installed. Again the to change themes like HTC Home, Wisbar, Weather Panel and other Themes you have installed use the Item Tab.Once you select the Item Tab the rest should be self explanatory.

2. Always store Images on a Storage Card to maximize Available Storage Space on the Device istelf. To make any image as the Today Background, simply navigate using your File Explorer to Storage Card/My Documents/My Pictures.. or where ever you have your Background Images stored on your Storage Card, and select the Image to open it then select the Menu Tab in the lower left corner and choose Set As Today Background. You should be all set. i hope I have shed some light on manipulating these task.. Good Luck!
Didn't work. I tried exactly like you said and also notice some of the options werent even available to choose; like "Set as TODAY background".

JUST A SIDENOTE: I tried several attempts to write a freakn response and some how the website can't even seem to process my replies back properly without even rejecting or login me out! I'm PISSED...I had to re-type to many times and now I'm typing a minum of my detail just encase that happens again. I tried back space to copy and save....GONE...IS THIS NORMAL. GEEEEESH!
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2009, 01:30 AM
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Lightbulb Re: HTC Cosmetic Modefication Help (Wall Paper & Themes)

Originally Posted by Ninjakills1 View Post
Didn't work. I tried exactly like you said and also notice some of the options werent even available to choose; like "Set as TODAY background".
Hey Ninjakills1,

I'm not sure but if your issue was anything like mine, there are a few places you might want to set the today background settings. Here is a list of the sections that I went into to change my Today screen wallpaper.

Step 1.
Start --> Settings --> Today.
Click Browse and find the image your after, then tick the Use this picture as the background option.

Step 2.
Go to the Settings tab at the bottom and select Wallpaper. Click No on the message that asks you if you want to use the default wallpaper (if it comes up at all). Find and select the wallpaper you want.

Step 3.
Open File Explorer and find the image you want, click and hold until you get the options and select Set as Today Background.

That worked for me and should hopefully work you too, no guarantees though

PS. Dont forget to restart/soft reset your device after you're done.

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Old 08-13-2009, 01:54 AM
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Re: HTC Won't Change Themes!!?

You could also do it the super easy way and find a theme that is already packaged up in a .cab file for the TP and just download it and click on it and it will install itself. Easy!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2009, 02:03 AM
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Re: HTC Won't Change Themes!!?

to answer your question, there is a cab floating around called background4all.cab or something similar to that. DL it to your phone, disable tf3d (start>settings>today>items>uncheck touch flo) and install the cab, soft reset, then enable touchflo again and any pic you use as your touchflo background should be on all pages

hope this helped
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Old 08-13-2009, 06:36 PM
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Re: HTC Cosmetic Modefication Help (Wall Paper & Themes)

Originally Posted by stemarlen View Post
Hey Ninjakills1,

I'm not sure but if your issue was anything like mine, there are a few places you might want to set the today background settings. Here is a list of the sections that I went into to change my Today screen wallpaper.

Step 1.
Start --> Settings --> Today.
Click Browse and find the image your after, then tick the Use this picture as the background option.

Step 2.
Go to the Settings tab at the bottom and select Wallpaper. Click No on the message that asks you if you want to use the default wallpaper (if it comes up at all). Find and select the wallpaper you want.

Step 3.
Open File Explorer and find the image you want, click and hold until you get the options and select Set as Today Background.

That worked for me and should hopefully work you too, no guarantees though

PS. Dont forget to restart/soft reset your device after you're done.


Thanks for some of your good tips.

I.) I was unaware of step 2. and that worked far as changing the TODAY background picture is concern.

II.) I knew about step 1., but this only makes changes to the START MENU.

III.) Step 3. I tried that method and it worked "OK" since I don't have this option in my menu tab. However I notice after selecting the image and then hitting "SET AS TODAY BACKGROUND" and doing a soft reset the picture still didnt render or set. The picture just set in the START MENU. Step 2. is the best method I found to work for me in changing the TODAY background.

But here is my overall goal: I want to change the entire look of the theme (icon buttons, background, colors and design layout) and not just the TODAY background screen. I have been digging and searching answers to this question and here's what I got so far...

A) I can change to the TITANIUM interface using Windows Default and have the background picture of my choice set and different function layout. THIS I DON'T WANT

B) I can change a theme in the "TODAY/SETTING/APPEARANCE" and it will only changes the top and bottom task and tray bars with possibly a different coloring in menus (not even the picture too). If I check the box "use this background" and select a pic. that pic will be used for the start menu background. THIS I DON'T WANT

C) I read I could use "Diamond TL3D" to change the theme at Smartphone Junkie website, but do I really need this to change my themes and couldn't I just try...hmmm....ADVANCE CONFIG or TOTAL COMMANDER??

D) Here is a list of themes I like to have or an example to what is I'm trying to accomplish.
  • What is the correct way to install a theme that is either zipped or cab?I assume cab is like any other cabs I've installed before.
  • Does it matter what ROM I'm on? I currently have Energy ROM Warhawk 8/6
  • Is it hard to build or create your own theme and what's the best, fastest, easiet, way to create stylist themes?
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2009, 07:08 PM
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Re: HTC Cosmetic Modefication Help (Wall Paper & Themes)

Originally Posted by Ninjakills1 View Post
Thanks for some of your good tips.

I.) I was unaware of step 2. and that worked far as changing the TODAY background picture is concern.

II.) I knew about step 1., but this only makes changes to the START MENU.

III.) Step 3. I tried that method and it worked "OK" since I don't have this option in my menu tab. However I notice after selecting the image and then hitting "SET AS TODAY BACKGROUND" and doing a soft reset the picture still didnt render or set. The picture just set in the START MENU. Step 2. is the best method I found to work for me in changing the TODAY background.

But here is my overall goal: I want to change the entire look of the theme (icon buttons, background, colors and design layout) and not just the TODAY background screen. I have been digging and searching answers to this question and here's what I got so far...

A) I can change to the TITANIUM interface using Windows Default and have the background picture of my choice set and different function layout. THIS I DON'T WANT

B) I can change a theme in the "TODAY/SETTING/APPEARANCE" and it will only changes the top and bottom task and tray bars with possibly a different coloring in menus (not even the picture too). If I check the box "use this background" and select a pic. that pic will be used for the start menu background. THIS I DON'T WANT

C) I read I could use "Diamond TL3D" to change the theme at Smartphone Junkie website, but do I really need this to change my themes and couldn't I just try...hmmm....ADVANCE CONFIG or TOTAL COMMANDER??

D) Here is a list of themes I like to have or an example to what is I'm trying to accomplish.
  • What is the correct way to install a theme that is either zipped or cab?I assume cab is like any other cabs I've installed before.
  • Does it matter what ROM I'm on? I currently have Energy ROM Warhawk 8/6
  • Is it hard to build or create your own theme and what's the best, fastest, easiet, way to create stylist themes?
for just wallpaper the ONLY way to have it on all pages is what I already told you in my previous post, however if you want to install a theme, this is how:

1. Go to settings and disable touchflo (uncheck the box)
2. DL the theme
3. If the theme is a cab then just transfer it to your phone via activesync, if it is a .zip with just the theme files then you need to copy the whole folder to your phone
4. Run the cab, or for zip copy all the files and paste them in the windows folder on your phone, you will need to use total commander (it will ask if you want to over write the files, click yes) NOTE: THIS WILL OVERWRITE THE DEFAULT TOUCHFLO FILES SO i WOULD BACK THEM UP FIRST!
5. Soft reset
6. Enable Touchflo and you should be good to go

Also it does sometimes matter what rom you are on and I am using the same one currently and remember NRGZ saying something about some themes wont work correctly (something about the sliders I believe), but just try it out and see, it can't hurt
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