MultiMedia Super ROM GLOBAL MEDIA, LIVE TV, Digital Movies Videos NFL2010 Built In
*The Tech1 Hurricane Center, A Public Service Announcement To All The People Living Along The USA East Coast, The Gulf Coastal areas, And The USA Atlantic Ocean terroritories ... http://sirocco.accuweather.com/sat_m...i/isaehatl.gif Pay Close Attention To Your Local Authorities And Local Weather Service.. Add The Link To Your Favorites On Your TP...
YouTube DeskTop Version Built In, Microsoft's New "bing Live And bing Search", SkyFire Entertainment Web Browser, {WVD}, Over 2000 TV Stations With "theChanner And WebTV" FROM Over 71 Countries... FM Radio/Sports Radio Direct From local Home Town FM Sports Radio Station, See Post #2 For The Easy FM Radio Set Up Hook up, Super Esay, Own It Today, It's ON...! These posted ROM's are for the community to see what I run on my phone if they so choose and to test them out if desired. Due to the lack of free time that I have to dedicate to this, the ROM is to be considered "unsupported", so please do not be offended if someone doesn't help you in this thread as quickly as you would like, or if others are not experiencing the same issues that you have. Please visit this thread often for updates and feel free to use this ROM or ignore this thread completely as you see fit. Feel free to PM or email with questions or concerns and I will try to respond as time permits FIRST TO BRING YOU FACEBOOK INSTANT MESSANGER {fIM} BUILT INTO THE STARSHIP7.7 ROM AND OZ INSTANT MESSANGER IS ALSO BUILT INTO THIS ROM, GIVING YOU ACCESS TO YAHOO, MSN AND AIM, PLUS ALL THE MAJOR SOCIAL NETWORK CONNECTION, OWN IT NOW, THE ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY YOU DESERVE, TOMORROW'S TECHNOLOGY TODAY..... FIRST TO BRING YOU THE UPLOAD OF VIDEOS AND PICTURES TO FACEBOOK AND YOUTUBE...! A FULL MULTIMEDIA ROM! NFL2010 IS BUILT INTO THE NEW JEDI3 MULTIMEDIA SUPER ROM, OWN IT TODAY, IT'S ON....! SPRINT NFL READY, CATCH ALL THE NFL ACTION, OWN IT TODAY, IT'S ON...! SPRINT NASCAR HOME TRACKS SPEED READYzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzoooooom.....! PLEASE READ: The new DIGITAL PLAY TCPMP YouTube DeskTop version built in, which plays just about all video formats, no FlashvideoBundle.cab is required to install... Please install the new "IE Toggle 1.2" software version below before playing the YouTube videos via your TP mobile web browser at http://www.youtube.com/?nomobile=1 Next go to the "File Association" area and check mark ALL the codecs file association blocks.... If you do not desire the TCPMP player to be your default media player, then DO NOT check mark the following blocks, {Windows Metafiles}, {HTTP protocol}, {MMS protocol} If the Opera web browser IS NOT your default mobile web browser, then it's good ideal to install the Opera Default browser Remover, this will not remove Opera from your phone, the Software is below at the very bottom of post #3 in the "Video Accessories Area".... NOTE: After you have configered the new digital play TCPMP video/audio player, tap on the "Icon VideoSites" for YouTube DeskTop Direct, this a new feature that has been added to the MultiMedia Super ROM, own it today, it's ON.... DARK STAR TECHNOLOGY DARK STAR TECHNOLOGY BUILT IN, DARK STAR TECHNOLOGY RULES, "Yota/CyBorg Contacts" OWN IT TODAY, IT'S ON...! ALL NEW DIGITAL PLAY TECH1 TCPMP VIDEO/AUDIO PLAYER NEW 23017 MULTIMEDIA SUPER HI TECH1 ROM "VUlCAN1 STARSHIP VERSION".... SECOND TODAY 4 HOME SCREENS,TRIPOD/QUAD POD MODE ENABLE, SEE POST #4 FOR THE COMPLETE DETAILS AND INSTRUCTIONS ON THE TRIPOD/QUAD POD MODE.... The photo above is my personal customization...! THE SLINGBOX MOBILE CLIENT IS NOW BUILT INTO THIS NEW "STARSHIP AND KLINGON MOTHERSHIP VERSION ROM'S" JUST LIKE ON NOKIA PDA PHONES WITH ADDED VIDEO CODECS... YOU CAN ALSO GO TO http://beta.sling.com via the BUILT IN SKYFIRE BROWSER IN THE NEW "STARSHIP VERSION MULTIMEDIA7 SUPER ROM" AND WATCH ALL THE TV YOU WILL EVER WANT, *NO SLINGBOX REQUIRED*.... THE NEW LATEST VERSION SLINGBOX MOBILE CLIENT... THE ABOVE SOFTWARE IS {FREE FROM SLINGMEDIA} THE LICENSE IS NOT FREE, IT'S A ONE TIME FEE FOR THE LICENSE, NOT THE SOFTWARE, IT'S FREE.... YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE SOFTWARE TO YOUR PHONE FOR FREE ALSO...... HOLLYWOOD TO YOUR TP, OWN IT TODAY, IT'S ON...! ALL NEW DIGITAL SATURN LIBERTY MOVIES BUILT IN, NOW IN MOBILE DEVICE DIGITAL DEFINITION VIDEO RESOLUTION QUALITY, THE DECODER IS NOW BUILT INTO THE SOFTWARE IN THE CLOAK MODE.... THE NEWEST LATEST TECH1 MULTIMEDIA HI TECH SUPER ROM "VULCAN1 STARSHIP VERSION 23017", OWN IT NOW" WITH ADDED NEW VIDEO APPS BUILT IN AND MORE...... VIDEO CALLING, BOTH PARTIES MUST HAVE LIVE MEDIA ON THEIR MOBILE PHONES USING THE "LIVE TALK" FEATURE BELOW.... VIDEO CALLING USE LIVE TALK..... SPECIAL THANKS TO MERDINH, CALKULIN, CoolSac32, Dodge Longhorn For The Awesome Kitchens, GOD BLESS YOU GUYS..... THE NEW FEATURES OF THE COMING TECH1 23004 "STARSHIP1 VERSION MULTIMEDIA7 SUPER ROM"..... THE SLINGBOX/MOBILE CLIENT LATEST NEWEST VERSION IS NOW BUILT INTO THIS NEW STARSHIP ROM VERSION JUST LIKE ON THE NEW NOKIA PDA PHONE WITH ADDED CODECS.... 1. QIK" Live Media WorldWide Built In 2. XBMod VGA RHODIUM Manila FIX 3. HTC NEW CONTACT CARD 4. ac3.ARM built In 5.H264 Now BUILT In For On Board Movies And Videos 6. HTC COLOR TASK BAR 7. DUAL COLOR Battery And Memory Lines At The Very Top Of Your TP 8. HTC Rhodium Volume Control 9. Built In PocketNowEnableWirlessLanMode For Super N WiFi Speeds 0. Built In WiFi Finder Wizard 1. INCall Recorder 2. New Just Released "SKYFIRE BUILT IN AUTO AUTO UPDATE TECHNOLOGY 3. Album With FaceBook And YouTube UPLoader 4. FaceBook Mobile IM 5. FaceBook WM App 6. GSPlayer Url FM Radio Built In 7. Saturn Liberty DIGITAL Movies Built In 8. theChanner TV 2000 Plus Stations From over 71 Countries 9. WebTV Available, Over 1500 Channels From 71 Countries {See Post #4 For The Download} 0. SprintTV built In 1. The All New DIGITAL TCPMP Video Player Tech1 Version 2. YouTube Video Player, Tech1 Super MEGA Ultimate Version Built IN Codecs Packed 3. Video Sharing For Album 4. Voice Recorder 5. {WVD} 1.40 Latest Version Built In 6. Second ToDay Screen Option NEW VERSION TriPod/Quad Pod Mode Compatible {See Post #4} GLOBAL TV BUILT INTO THE ROM, WORLDWIDE MEDIA FROM OVER 71 COUNTRIES, OWN IT TODAY, IT's ON...! WEBTV DOWNLOAD IS LOCATED AT THE VERY BOTTOM OF POST #3, "theChanner/WebTV" TOGETHER OVER 2000 TV STATIONS, LIKE HAVING A SATELLITE TV DISH IN THE PALMS OF YOUR HANDS.... The Upgraded Downloads Are Now At The Very Bottom Of Post #1... The SkyFire Mobile audio/video multimedia entertainment browser has also been upgraded to the current lastest release version..... The {WVD} by my main man JM81, has been upgraded to the 1.40 latest release version... Pictures and videos can now be uploaded to YouTube and FaceBook, their is FaceBook login app included in the ROM versions *Extra RINGTONES are in post#3, just install to the Windows folder....! THE SKYFIRE video entertainment web browser is built into this ROM... That gives you access to http://beta.sling.com .... NO SLINGBOX REQUIRED..... Watch all the TV you want.....! The newest latest *{WVD 1.40} Version all web video player is also built into the Super1 MultiMdeia ROM Versions... Thanks to my main man JM81.... The 2000 TV stations are accessed by installing WebTV and theChanner, this package has TV stations from over 71 countries, the two software files download are below.... SprintTV has to be installed also, their is a tab already on the TF3D slide for SprintTV, it will be auto activated when SprintTV is installed, the SprintTV software is below... Live Media/Live mediaGPS with it's own video recorder is built in, This software has the "DIAMOND CAMERA"..... FM radio, use the GPSPlayer and install the FM station URL that you want to listen too... The GPSPlayer has the best highly superior audio sound than any FM radio app on the market today, this is a fact.. The reason being, using GPSPlayer sound set up by going to Tools> Effects> Equalizer {Check mark} and tap all three tabs below , surround, Reverb, and Bassboost, just adjust the parameters to your liking, a awesome sound system, the best... It really sounds good with a stereo headset.... IN THE VIDEO ACCESSORIES AREA, GET ADD-ONS, IF YOU DESIRE THEM! Video, Audio, All MultiMedia Accessories will be located in post#3...... 23017 TF3D/2D Digital Saturn Liberty Movies Built In WITH Auto Decoders.. The new updated Kleon MotherShip MulitiMedia7.7 Super ROM Version {A Full Rhodium ROM, In The Liking Of The TP2} is now below, ready to be downloaded, located at the very bottom of this page... YouTube Desktop Access Instructions: 1. Install the IE Toggle.cab located in post #1 at the very bottom of the page, activate back to "PIE", a must.. Also it's a good ideal to install the "Default Opera browser Remover software located at the very bottom of post #3.. This software {"Does Not Remove The Opera Browser From Your Phone"}... 2. Go to the new digital play TCPMP Video/Audio Player> Options> Settings> Select Page> File Associations and check mark all the blocks, tap on "OK" in the lower left hand corner, exit the TCPMP player... 3. Now go to the 3D icon page, tap on "Video Sites Icon", tap on the "YouTube Logo" and let the page fully load, scroll down to the video of your choice, tap hold on the video "title or picture", a drop menu will appear, tap on "play video"... 4. Note: THEY ARE NO MORE FALSE ERROR MESSAGES WHEN OPENING THE NEW DIGITAL PLAY TCPMP VIDEO/AUDIO PLAYER, ALL BUTTONS ARE NOW DISPLAYED.... __________________ Yet To Be Technology....! WHAT'S IN THIS ROM.... {JUST ABOUT ALL THSES APPS BELOW ARE ALREADY INSTALLED IN THE ROM}.....? A {ASTERE*} IS BESIDE ALL APPS THAT YOU MIGHT WANT TO INSTALL}..! 1. Diamond camera {Now the TP camera is the real deal, this is what you want} 2. Instant Messaging {AIM}, {MSN Messenger} and {Yahoo Messenger} 3. Uploader {Upload pictures and video to FaceBook} 4. *GPSPlayer Play FM Radio {Download below in post #3} 5. LastFM Radio {Will be available to download} 6. Music {*VEGA PANDORA IS IN POST #3 FOR DOWNLOAD} 7. MP3 Trimmer 8. Google Maps {New Street View Version} 9. Windows Media Player {In black Skin} 0. HTC Calculator 1. File Explorer Extension 2. Audio Gateway 3. reSTART {For Organizing your apps on the icons programs page} 4. Facebook {Online} 5. JBlendJava {New Version} 6. {WVD} NEW UPGRADED VERSION {1.40}, {Built In, All the best video sites plus X sites, must be 18 or older} 7. Live Media W/IM plus Video Recorder 8. Live MediaGPS {basically the same} 9. SkyFire NEW UPGRADE VERSION {Video web browser, view all the music and video sites that you do on your PC or laptop.. 0. TCPMP Invar/Tech1 HQHD Audio/Video Player {"Built IN Codec Packed", better than CorePlayer}... 1. *YouTube MEGA 21XXX Version {A Must Got To Have, download from my other thread} The built YouTube Video Player in these new version builds are the Ultimate of the Ultimate, both version 6.1 and 6.5 have the mobile like blu-ray, really it's called "Defintion Mobile Video" {All You Experts do a Google search} the Ultimate data stream video codecs on board.... Even HTC has not built one like this one yet, that's on the real side, enjoy.. You know what, don't take my word, play some YouTube videos and see the difference, Yeah....{LOL} 2. *YouTube Tech1 21xYx 6.5 NEW UPGRADED 2009 VERSION {The Ultimate YouTube Player Super Codecs Packed} 3. *SprintTV {download Below} 4. Sprint TeleNav {GPS} Built IN.. 5. WiFi Wizard {Wifi Scanner Locate HotSpots in your Area} 6. SlingPlyer Mobile Client 7. Opera 8. Voice Recorder 9. Search Widgets 0. Remote DeskTop 1. Quick GPS 2. Clear Temps 3. Adobe Flash Lite 4. Games GameFuel {Video Games and you can get more GameFuel In post #3 below} 5. *theChanner {over 2000 plus TV stations, can be downloaded Below} 6. *WebTV {Over 1000 Channels, the download is below} 7. *10b. Music downloaded DIRECT TO YOUR PHONE FOR FREE GO To http://www.mp3raid.com/ using your mobile web browser..... Thanks to e-Natives THE ABOVE TASK MANAGER WILL BE CLOAKED ON YOUR TP AND WILL NOT BE SEEN ON YOUR SCREEN.. IT'S IN THE KLINGON/VULCAN1 STARSHIP/MOTHERSHIP MULTIMEDIA SUPER ROM LOCATED BELOW AT THE VERY OF THIS PLAGE.. IT'S A "FULL RHODIUM ROM" IN THE LIKING OF THE TP2... A SPRINT ROM! *MIRROR: Tech1 STARSHIP7.7 VERSION MultiMedia7 Super ROM http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZFTOIFMP Tech1 Klingon MotherShip MultiMedia7.7 Super ROM 23009 {A FULL RHODIUM ROM IN THE LIKING OF THE TP2} http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DQ0KDMLN 8/17/09 NEW! Tech1 Jedi3 MultiMedia Super ROM http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RTADD6WU *The Jedi3 is a hi tech upscale ROM Version in the family of the ROMULAN technology with built in telepathic capabilities via the new HTC CM WiFi Internet Sharing App when installed into this ROM version... The key source that makes all this possible is the built in Omnia Topaz CommManager... Again, please install the NetCF 2.0 App Only this time, it's located at the very bottom of post #1... Another Multimedia Super ROM Apps built in has also been added to this ROM "The NFL2010", now you can play any team on the NFL via your TP, enjoy, own it today, it's ON... *PLEASE READ, HIGHLY RECOMMENED: I recommend installing the IE Toggle Software Located In Post #1, Reason, All Websites Still Cannot Handle The New 6.0 Web Browser.. Install Jaggalo X Black Slide to Answer CDMA.cab and the Medinh Black Keyboard, both are located in post#3, enjoy.... NOTE: The latter two softwares are built into the "Vulcan StarShip Version".... __________________ Yet To Be Technology....! Last edited by Technology1; 08-18-2009 at 03:08 PM. |
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Re: NEW! Tech1 MultiMedia Super ROM TCPMP YouTube DeskTop Built In, Over 2000 TV Stat
NEW! " VULCAN7 STARSHIP VERSION" MultiMedia Super ROM BUILT IN Iphone3g {3D Graphics}
*YOUR FAVORITE LOCAL FM RADIO STATION IS NOW AVAILABLE ON YOUR TP* *THET SAY IMPOSSIBLE, I SAY POSSIBLE* INSTRUCTIONS FOR LISTEN TO YOUR LOCAL FM STATIONS VIA URL GSPLAYER: 1. Your new digital play Tech1 TCPMP Video/Audio should have been set up already, but if not let's do it now by going to TCPMP> Settings> Select Page> File Associations and check mark all the blocks and tap "OK" in the lower left hand corner, exit the TCPMP player... 2. Go to http://www.thestreamcenter.com/pda/ 3. Select your state by tapping on the abbreviation or do a search in the search box using your local station call letters, example "WTECH1"...{LOL} 4. Just scroll down until you locate your local FM radio station, tap on the blue, 64K stereo or 20K Mono, just below your local FM station call letters... 5. Now a download file will appear, this file contains your local FM station "URL" save this file to your SD Card and also copy it to Device My Documents on your TP..This is a must....{You will see why later}, If this download file say, "A file with the name already exists. Do you want to replace it?", Select "YES"... The reason being from time to time you will have replace this file.... Also save your local FM ststion to your FAVORITES..! 6. Notice Your TCPMP player may open playing your local FM radio station, now we know that the your local FM radio station URL download file is now on your TP... Exit it the TCPMP player, if it's playing... 7. Next Open the "GSPLAYER" tap on the pyramid in the lower far left corner with a line under it, just slightly above to the left of "Play/Stop.. This will take you to Device "My Documents", just tap on the call letters URL file that you copied from your SD Card to Device "My Documents" folder... 8. Now the "GSPlayer" will auto play your local FM radio station automatically... SOUND PARAMETERS ON THE GSPLAYER: 1. Tap on Menu> Tool> Effects> and check mark "Equalizer" 2. Tab on the Surround tab below, check mark "Surround" adjust to your liking... Check mark, the block 3D Effect to your liking 3. Tap on the tab below "Reverb", check mark Reverb, adjust to your liking and check mark "Echo", adjust to your liking... OK, I stop here, because I like the "Echo" sound, it sounds good to me, but if you like to, you can follow the same procedure with the "BaseBoost" tab below, enjoy.... __________________ Yet To Be Technology....! The Weatherpanel 2009 app is below, it must be install first, next the PhatPhiner IV VGA.zip must be stalled, all the instructions are in the easy user friendly readme text of the PhatPhinger IV VGA.zip... A secondToday is required... I will post all the software with instructions in post #4.....
Yet To Be Technology....!
Last edited by Technology1; 08-15-2009 at 01:51 AM. |
This post has been thanked 13 times. |
Re: NEW! Tech1 MultiMedia Super ROM TCPMP YouTube DeskTop Built In, Over 2000 TV Stat
GAMEFUEL NUCLEAR POWERED.....! VIDEO ACCESSORIES AREA: 1. The Ardcorp.tv Saturn Liberty 4 channels movie cab for WM6.1/6.5 devices {LATEST SOFTWATE DOWNLOADS NOT YET AVAILABLE} 2. The {WVD} All Web Video, Internet Explorer streaming video software: ( http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?wveo1vw0mya ) also go to http://vtap.com using your mobile web browser..... SEE POST #3 FOR THE LATEST SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD... 4. GSplayer (Music Player) Extract/Install WM9 codecs to the Windows directory: ( http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?jy1q9zfdmza ) 5. SlingBox New Leaked Version (USA ONLY) has better video resolution qualiy than the current This leaked version is for WM 6.1/6.5 PPC VGA, WVGA, may not be available to the public as of yet, the best video resolution quality of all SlingBox technology: ( http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?xn0tjvw8l0m ) Get the Leaked Version SlingBox.Exe file here ( http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?k9h32m2i5en ) 5a. SlingBox video enhancement, copy the H264DvcLib.dll and all 3 VP6 codecs one by one to the Windows directory, Copy the H264DvcLib.dll and cegccthrd.dll codec to Program Files>Slingmedia>SlingPlayer Mobile, soft reset your TP... You can also do the same exact thing with SprintTV. VP6 Codecs (link to file) http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mhm0j5ayvwf H264DvcLib.dll Codec (link to file) http://www.mediafire.com/?lb1iguxttu2 6. Windows Media Player Resume Plugin Version 1.2.1: Stop and restart your movie ( http://www.mediafire.com/?oclnn3c1yjg ) 7. Internet TV http://www.ustream.tv/mobile via Skyfire web browser (link to Skyfire) There are loads of TV channels and sites offering free online videos. I just wanted to mention this one which is one of the original sites that is still in operation today to list free TV online channels. WWiTV.COM ( http://wwitv.com/portal.htm ) I wanted to share this as part of this first ever digital music... (WORKS BEST WITH the new latest Skyfire web browser) (link to Skyfire) Thanks to tx_jaycee (link to file) http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?hu4tl0jjgyu http://www.hulu.com/widget/player/videos 8. PIE/IE6 Toggle Swicth download is here http://www.mediafire.com/?mzdcwnaxxf2.... This software is needed if you have the Copper ROM Image or other 6.5 ROM on your TP/Diamond. this software will let you toggle between PIE/IE6, it's needed in order to use the FlashvideoBundle.cab with 6.5 ROM Images, just toggle you web browser back to PIE..... 9. WebTV_0371.zip Works perfect with the new TCPMP {See Post #3} 9a. Outer Space Technology: All satellites that you see in motion are in "REAL TIME", even the crafts that you see on the planet Mars are in "REAL TIME", all views of Man Made Satellites and crafts are Via NASA, @SatPPC http://www.mediafire.com/?antlnmdmvlc 9b. For the Deep Space View, the "Orion database", also in "REAL TIME" (Star Wars Stuff, UFO Turf), (link to file) http://www.mediafire.com/?a4jycdgnvz2 New ORION Star Systen set up http://www.mediafire.com/?a4jycdgnvz2 10. WOWHD121 Stereo Surround Sound: Install to the “Main Memory” (link to file) http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mynu24hleyc 10a. WOWHD_ ARM_Panel.Cpl.zip: Unzip and install the (dll) file to the Windows directory http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?jx511wfonm1 10b. Music downloaded DIRECT TO YOUR PHONE FOR FREE GO To http://www.mp3raid.com/ using your mobile web browser..... VIDEO GAMES, WE GOT GAME (for you!): 1. Pac Man Game: Install to your SD Card, soft reset your mobile device http://www.mediafire.com/?gpaimy2ntil 2. Touch Pro Super Arcade Beta v3.6 (link to file) http://www.mediafire.com/?9rjbw95tmxz 3. Touch Pro MEGA Arcade Beta v1.cab (link to file) http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?shxxabxjyjw -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last edited and reorganized by nuguy a Tech1 jedi Knight : Darkness Opera Default Browser Remover http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mmznwmkojkn l Last edited by Technology1; 07-23-2009 at 10:31 AM. |
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Re: NEW! Tech1 MultiMedia Super ROM TCPMP YouTube DeskTop Built In, Over 2000 TV Stat
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Re: NEW Tech1 MultiMedia Super ROM TCPMP YouTube DeskTop Built In, Over 2000 TV Stati
Here is a newer verison on that cab |
This post has been thanked 1 times. |
Re: NEW Tech1 MultiMedia Super ROM TCPMP YouTube DeskTop Built In, Over 2000 TV Stati
Here is the fix for the missing clear storage app, just install the file below to the main memory and soft reset your TP... A clear storage icon will now appear on the "System icon page", work like a charm.....
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Re: NEW Tech1 MultiMedia Super ROM TCPMP YouTube DeskTop Built In, Over 2000 TV Stati
On the real side, the TCPMP YouTube DeskTop Version that's built into this ROM 6.1 and the 6.5 versions, maybe the last free YouTube app on the market, that you can login to your YouTube account and play your YouTube favorite videos that you have saved to your YouTube account...
Another thing, notice how the video quality is highly enhanced crystal clear video resolution quality... You will also get the same type of enhanced video resolution quality with the YouTube app in post #1, the "Tech1 21xYx6.5. cab file YouTube video player, it also has video HQ settings... |
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Re: Tech1 MultiMedia Super ROM TCPMP YouTube DeskTop Live Built In, Over 2000 TV Stat
thanks tech, i just got home so im downloading both 6.1 and 6.5 to see how i like them, im a 6.1 fan more than 6.5, anyhow, think u might ever release a kitchen in the future?
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