Any way to add WORKING EzInput 2.0 / TP2 Keybd without Cooking?
I tried searching but didnt find a clear answer...
I really like the EzInput 2.0 keyboard from the Diamond2/TP2, but thus far all cabbed versions seem to cause the XT9 issues that are there. And I know the stopgaps but none are perfect e.g. disabling XT9 IME or using the Disable XT9 CAB get you back full hw keyboard mapping, but then your orientations or selections of the EzInput 2.0 keyboard are messed up (e.g. can't get Compact Qwerty in Portrait orientation). Thus far all cabbed versions do not work 100% without problems.
However cooked-in versions in various roms I've used work fine without XT9/mapping issues.
Is there a cabbed version that works correctly? Or is the only foolproof way to grab a kitchen and cook it in? Thanks.