WiFi disappears
Well, I got this Apache here a while back, I never really used it, as I gave it to my Dad and he said it worked great for him. Now I got the Apache back but I can't get wifi on it :/
This is what happens:
*hard reset*
OS loads up (the boot screen is some black chick. Custom, so I couldn't tell what I have)
set up windows mobile again (screen calibration etc)
tap connections manager
tap wifi
select the network I want to connect to
after I type in the key, WiFi totally disappears from the connections manager, and I'm left with only Bluetooth, and no other options.
Obviously it wont let me connect, so my question is, how do I fix this? Do I have to re-install (uh...flash?) the rom?
Also, the calls antennae stopped working, but I dont mind that. I just need it for quick internet use around the house.