Originally Posted by thomlanphear
I know probably a hundred people will say I should search for this but I have and I am still unsure so I thought it would be better to ask.
I want to upgrade my Diamond to Windows Mobile 6.5. I see that there are alot of different options and the ones I have download I think require me to unlock my phone in order to install them. Since my phone is owned by the Agency I work for if it get hosed because I screw something up guess who gets in trouble. What I am looking for is an install file similiar to what is provided by HTC when you upgrade your phone with the standard Sprint applications included. I know how to backup, install the rom from HTC and do all of that I am just very unsure about using these other custom builds where I have to do other things to the phone to be able to install to it.
So if anyone knows an upgrade to Windows 6.5 that I can just click and run that is what I am looking for. I know, search, but when you are unsure of what to search for it makes it more confusing. And the only dumb question is the one you don't ask.
Thom ... I understand your caution about unlocking an agency device. Basically, you have very little to worry about, because the phone can be relocked at a future date, if you wish. Really, there won't be a need to do that ... most people, including your agency and even Sprint, won't even recognize that it's unlocked. That being said, let's address the 6.5 issue. This operating system is only just now being released by Microsoft, so it will be a while before there is an official upgrade, if ever. Around here, we have been working with it for several months, and progressing very nicely. There's really no need to wait on Microsoft, Sprint, HTC, etc ... just read the stickies at the beginning of this forum, and follow directions. Most everyone here, is willing to help within reason. We've all gone through the "should I, or should I not" syndrome ... we all fear, what we don't understand. So jump in, the water's more than fine, and you will see your phone come alive. You won't believe the difference, and will wonder why you ever hesitated. I do need to warn you, though ... you are at the threshold of an incurable addiction. Enjoy!