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Old 05-01-2009, 09:56 AM
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ROM requests! Too many to choose!

I hope I'm posting this in the right place, but if not I hope the mods can help get it where it belongs.

I've tried just about every 6.5 ROM available here, and for one reason or another I end up going back to the stock 6.1 from Sprint. I have had incredible difficulty getting the Sprint programs to work right with any of these builds, and I'm certain that it's something I'm doing wrong. Anyway....

I would love to see someone with far more ROM building wisdom tackle 6.5 carrier specific ROMs. Kind of like what our Sprint, Verizon, Alltel, etc. devices would be like if we had purchased them from our carriers with 6.5 already on them. A 6.5 core, with carrier specifics built in, and manilas that look like the ones we were used to. I understand the reasons why this stuff is left out of most ROMs is so that EVERYONE can try them without garbage they don't need.

*If anyone knows which ROM I might have missed that has Sprint goodies and Sprint manila already on it, please feel free to bash me and send me the link. *

I know I'd slide a heafty donation for a ROM like that, and I'm sure there are many others would as well. I know it's impossible at this point to see a totally "bug free" 6.5, so I sure don't expect absolute perfection out of anyone.

I would build my own with the kitchen, but when I first started this with my 6700 4 devices back, the build options were more limited and easy to figure out. Now when I fire up the kitchen and look through the build options, my head starts spinning wondering if I selected everything I needed, or if I might have checked two conflicting items that are going to cause massive headaches.

NON RELATED REQUEST: Anyone know where I can get a pill that stops the wife from getting angry when I spend 4 hours f*#king with my phone?

Last edited by veedubguru; 05-01-2009 at 10:04 AM.
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