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Old 06-25-2007, 09:19 PM
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SERIOUS Issues! Anyone else??

I have had my Q for a couple months and it has been a nightmare. I came from a 6700 which worked just fine just not what I wanted.

Does anyone else have these issues or know of a fix?
The funny thing is a guy I know has a verizon version of the Q and has the same problems.

1) I have activesync over the air, for some reason the phone locks up all of the time and I miss bunches of emails. BUT you can still use the phone part.

2) After I am done with a call I go to push END and the phone is sleeping/off, can't do anything but pull the battery and wait 5 minutes to be able to turn back on.

3) Sometimes the voicecalls will be locked up. Meaning the phone is sitting here and all of the menus work but it doesn't call out or recieve calls, basically the only way to find out if it is locked up is try to make a call and if it sits and says dialing forever and never connects, then pull the battery and start over.

This is the 2nd Q with these issues and all issues happen at least 2-3 times per day.

Any help??

Oh one last thing, if the phone is locked up like in example number 3, it doesn't charge the battery even though the battery icon says it charging. Again no way to know if it is locked up or not. If you make a test call to check, you still don't know because it might lockup right after that!
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2007, 09:52 AM
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Take it back

The lock up/freeze problem should have been solved with software updates from Motorola. I suggest you exchange it -- my Q used to do that too and it was a big pain. It's been fantastic since I got a new one.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2007, 10:33 AM
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I have a Verizon Q and the only issues I've seen (once each time during the last month):

1. On MOL1 the end-call button wouldn't hang up the active call (now I'm on MOL3 and I haven't had this problem again)

2. Internet connection stopped working; restarting the phone fixed that.

If you are having your issues several times a day, my experience with the 6700 dictates that you most likely have low memory or a conflicting program on your phone. You should do a hard reset and install nothing for a few days to see if these problems go away. If not, then you are due for a replacement.
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