Portable Aggravation Device help needed!
As the title of my first post in this wonderful forum suggests, my Palm Treo 750 has become a major source of aggravation! My dumb self bought this phone from someone using Rogers (?) phone service. I unlocked it, put in my SIM for Cingular/AT&T and it worked. But it seems that the messaging doesn't work properly and I am missing and dropping phone calls like mad. This is driving me nuts! I am not a noob, as I built this PC I am posting to you from myself. But this darn phone is quite another matter! I guess what I would like to try/should try is to get a current AT&T ROM, flash the phone, then reinstall the apps I run, which consists of 4Pockets PocketRTA (Which STILL doesn't resize the touchscreen mapping properly!!), the MemMaid utility & spb Pocket+. Can anyone help me through this process or help me locate what I need to do it?