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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2008, 02:58 PM
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Exclamation Reverting to Stock (non gps/rev.a) Rom for Warranty

Basically, I got Sprint to replace my Vogue which has hardware BT problems (BT won't stay on for more than 5 seconds).

However, I already did the following:

Unlocked w/ the 2.31 coke's unlocker
Updated to the new official sprint gps/rev.a Rom

How should I go about relocking this device back to the original rom it came with when I bought it 2 months ago?

From what I've read, it seems it would be a bad idea to just run this:
RUU_Vogue_SPRINT_WWE_1.12.651.1_2.13.00_SPC_NV133_ Ship.exe
as I could brick my phone, and void the warranty(which I need to be valid or else Sprint will know I tampered w/ the phone I am sending back.)

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2008, 03:04 PM
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Re: Reverting to Stock (non gps/rev.a) Rom for Warranty

this isnt gonna help you with exact links or anything. but your gonna need to downgrade your radio to the official one they are supporting now. and also relock your phone.
Samsung Galaxy Nexus
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2008, 03:13 PM
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Re: Reverting to Stock (non gps/rev.a) Rom for Warranty

Thanks. Now if anyone can help me out by posting the links/steps I'd need to take that would be great.

Thanks again.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2008, 03:15 PM
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Re: Reverting to Stock (non gps/rev.a) Rom for Warranty


sorry if this one isnt helpful either, but this is for bell. you might be able to change these steps and just look for the sprint version of what your looking for...
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2008, 03:15 PM
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Re: Reverting to Stock (non gps/rev.a) Rom for Warranty

Originally Posted by kornpopz View Post
Basically, I got Sprint to replace my Vogue which has hardware BT problems (BT won't stay on for more than 5 seconds).

However, I already did the following:

Unlocked w/ the 2.31 coke's unlocker
Updated to the new official sprint gps/rev.a Rom

How should I go about relocking this device back to the original rom it came with when I bought it 2 months ago?

From what I've read, it seems it would be a bad idea to just run this:
RUU_Vogue_SPRINT_WWE_1.12.651.1_2.13.00_SPC_NV133_ Ship.exe
as I could brick my phone, and void the warranty(which I need to be valid or else Sprint will know I tampered w/ the phone I am sending back.)

me to i need to down grade my self
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2008, 04:35 PM
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Re: Reverting to Stock (non gps/rev.a) Rom for Warranty

This was taken from dharvey4651's CONSOLIDATED Rev A./GPS TUTORIAL.

I performed this on my Alltel Touch and was able to get it replaced with no problems.

This has been proven to work for Sprint(not sure about others). This will NOT completely remove the 3.xx radio from your device. It has been said that the 3.xx radio will remain on your device in a dormant, non-usable state at a much lower level on the device and can potentially cause problems later on. DOWNGRADE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!
1. Download ImCoKeMaN's original unlocker here: ftp://ppcgeeks.com/Vogue/Users/dharv...e_unlocker.exe
2. Run Vogue_unlocker.exe and follow the on screen instructions to a T as it is very easy to mess up. This will overwrite the 2.31.coke SPL. During the unlocking process your device will display 0.36.coke SPL. This will change once update is complete.
3. Once you finished with the unlocker, your SPL should no longer display 2.31.coke but should now display 0.40.coke.
4. Your device will automatically soft-reset after the update is complete. Do not allow to boot back up into OS. Instead, hold down the camera and power buttons and insert the stylus into the soft-reset hole again putting you in bootloader mode.
5. Since it is recommended that you flash back to the OEM 6.0 Sprint ROM at this time, that is the link that I am providing here. Download and flash the OEM 6.0 Sprint ROM. This will overwrite the custom SPL written by ImCoKeMaN's unlocker.
6. You're now done. Your phone has now been reverted back to it's original shipped state.

PLEASE NOTE: It has been said that GPS radios and Non-GPS radios are very different. Flashing from the original 1.13 Radio to a 3xx Radio will write a TOTALLY new Radio to your device and reverting back to the OEM 1.12 Radio will not completely remove the new 3xx radio.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2008, 04:02 PM
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Re: Reverting to Stock (non gps/rev.a) Rom for Warranty

Originally Posted by scuccia View Post
This was taken from dharvey4651's CONSOLIDATED Rev A./GPS TUTORIAL.

I performed this on my Alltel Touch and was able to get it replaced with no problems.

This has been proven to work for Sprint(not sure about others). This will NOT completely remove the 3.xx radio from your device. It has been said that the 3.xx radio will remain on your device in a dormant, non-usable state at a much lower level on the device and can potentially cause problems later on. DOWNGRADE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!
1. Download ImCoKeMaN's original unlocker here: ftp://ppcgeeks.com/Vogue/Users/dharv...e_unlocker.exe
2. Run Vogue_unlocker.exe and follow the on screen instructions to a T as it is very easy to mess up. This will overwrite the 2.31.coke SPL. During the unlocking process your device will display 0.36.coke SPL. This will change once update is complete.
3. Once you finished with the unlocker, your SPL should no longer display 2.31.coke but should now display 0.40.coke.
4. Your device will automatically soft-reset after the update is complete. Do not allow to boot back up into OS. Instead, hold down the camera and power buttons and insert the stylus into the soft-reset hole again putting you in bootloader mode.
5. Since it is recommended that you flash back to the OEM 6.0 Sprint ROM at this time, that is the link that I am providing here. Download and flash the OEM 6.0 Sprint ROM. This will overwrite the custom SPL written by ImCoKeMaN's unlocker.
6. You're now done. Your phone has now been reverted back to it's original shipped state.

PLEASE NOTE: It has been said that GPS radios and Non-GPS radios are very different. Flashing from the original 1.13 Radio to a 3xx Radio will write a TOTALLY new Radio to your device and reverting back to the OEM 1.12 Radio will not completely remove the new 3xx radio.
Carefull, I did this with a xv6900 and bricked it, I did use the Vzw rom dump not the sprint one.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2008, 04:17 PM
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Re: Reverting to Stock (non gps/rev.a) Rom for Warranty

Originally Posted by rolandroland View Post
Carefull, I did this with a xv6900 and bricked it, I did use the Vzw rom dump not the sprint one.
I said I did this on an Alltel Touch. I did however have to do a couple steps twice to get it to work but I didn't brick mine.

Hopefully VZW will replace it for you.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2008, 04:48 PM
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Re: Reverting to Stock (non gps/rev.a) Rom for Warranty

I successfully downgraded my Sprint Touch using the instructions above.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2008, 04:49 PM
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Re: Reverting to Stock (non gps/rev.a) Rom for Warranty

Yeah i casn't get the radio version to downgrade. This isn't a big deal as they are more lenient (sp?) on business accounts. So hopefully it'll all go smoothly and I'll stick with stock until Verizon has an official 3.x radio.
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