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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2008, 08:38 AM
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Angry how do i uninstall buildos

im talkin about gettin rid of every folder and everything it contains

im gettin alot of errors latly and ive tried to un install and install all over but still gettin the same errors
this **** is gettin extra frustratin
on my lap top it says im missing htc sprint home and other things
and my home computer wont run updater

been havin these problems from the last couple weeks
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2008, 10:13 AM
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Re: how do i uninstall buildos

Originally Posted by tek2tirado View Post
im talkin about gettin rid of every folder and everything it contains

im gettin alot of errors latly and ive tried to un install and install all over but still gettin the same errors
this **** is gettin extra frustratin
on my lap top it says im missing htc sprint home and other things
and my home computer wont run updater

been havin these problems from the last couple weeks
Why do you think that will change anything? Reinstalling fixes ZERO problems, unless you've gone and manually messed things up.

The errors you are getting aren't even about buildos, but about your kitchen/OEM files. You can download the files manually from http://ppckitchen.org/downloads, or you can delete c:\program files\ppckitchen.org\buildos\updater\sections_buil dos.xml and updater will try to download everything again.

Why won't updater work on your home PC?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2008, 06:50 PM
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Re: how do i uninstall buildos

thanx for the reply

ok so updater seems to be workin on my home comp now
but i keep gettin


file create error
on both my laptop and home comp

also before i start 2 build a rom ...it says i have missin modules
dont know y if i got the files str8 from updater
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2008, 08:19 AM
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Re: how do i uninstall buildos

File create errors typically come from selecting incompatible OEMs. Please upload your selections.txt so we can resolve.

You get missing modules because ppcgeeks_oem updates fairly often, outdating older versions of software. Just find the missing modules in the list and select again.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2008, 03:02 AM
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Re: how do i uninstall buildos

ok so i did wat u told me ( i run updater before i try 2 make roms and there wasnt ne updates available)

so i went to the kitchens folder
deleted the .rar files and re-downloaded them all
still gettin the missin modules error in the beginnin

still gettin the file create error also

heres the sections log

my Apache Sprint Selections

SelectedMainSplashImage=320x320,6.1_welcomehead.96 .png
fffff57e-cd05-41bb-bb39-232aac902d6f, True, Comm Manager (10-Button) (APACHE ONLY)
e7cc4160-b5bb-11db-abbd-0800200c9a66, True, Sprint
aaa8ce13-5a7e-4584-a20b-c0242b19c063, True, SD Card Support Only
ff316bbe-c258-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, ExtRom Unlock
cab3a5d5-e09b-495d-8382-7f5136998f58, True, Wireless Modem (Wmodem)
0cfc3dc0-5fbc-4153-9ce9-72df4d8c2922, True, Solitare and Bubble Breaker
6327354b-cf17-4539-92f4-c590558d3b46, True, Solitare and Bubble Breaker
2401a89d-1c1a-448a-b204-051d1866e37f, True, Solitare and Bubble Breaker
6dea1fb5-657b-41de-b282-d3ee7c6c149c, True, Solitare and Bubble Breaker
ed0ab1a4-a456-4fb0-ad9d-93feccf351a3, True, Internet Sharing
4c804658-f322-40fd-989c-1394560913fa, True, Modem Link
ffffffff-d137-40b4-aec2-e7965c4e1d79, True, YouTube Player
25865771-b284-11db-abbd-0800200c9a66, True, 1-Calc Lite
323cb7f2-b736-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, acb Power Meter
7184721f-20f2-4ec3-8f3b-f9ae8084fd28, True, Adobe Flash Lite
1de581e4-ea1f-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, Adobe Flash Player
1395ef48-b921-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, ClearTemp
ffffffff-e2a9-4cdc-bd61-32e68a81ee8d, True, Cyberon Voice Commander
ffffffff-8713-4bf2-9575-be16464254a1, True, Diamond WMP Skin
0f5c182e-9447-45b6-bad0-713566ed5fcc, True, Fix Unread Count
ffffffff-0d04-41ce-9de7-c6c6f6223060, True, Flash Video Bundle
d344fafb-3feb-40a7-8f84-19c40f5dfc7b, True, FTouchFlo
fffffff3-676d-4530-b7e4-9d895a2e3e52, True, HTC Camera Album
5c302504-0686-11dc-8314-0800200c9a66, True, HTC Audio Manager
fffffff6-676d-4530-b7e4-9d895a2e3e52, True, HTC Home
7f71a4dc-8131-4a0a-ae36-2872cbf5cd87, True, HTC Performance
3d18a254-0013-47f5-b6dd-cf10b605a2bd, True, HTC Smartdialing
ffffff1f-676d-4530-b7e4-9d895a2e3e52, True, HTC Vogue Camera
ffffff4f-676d-4530-b7e4-9d895a2e3e52, True, HTC Home Sprint Plugin
ffffffff-d495-4348-b3af-3c0d9096a162, True, Esmertec Jbed Java
13d1f524-7867-4440-8885-650dbeeccb23, True, Magic Button
38f43c9f-bc38-430e-81d1-a2e6c650f225, True, .NET CF3.5 RTM
ffffffff-00f7-4b38-9325-e37ea8e40510, True, netCF35 Exception Messages
2f863e61-941d-4fb6-bcdf-35bf606e613a, True, OneNote
d83b7202-2af0-4199-af12-d073bc63732f, True, OneNote
7919f0c6-231d-49bf-bf52-10f67696c893, True, Oxios Memory
ffffffff-8326-4910-9ad6-3bc1e6f92a47, True, Slide2Unlock including Slide2View
3bd487a8-eafe-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, BL Black Keyboard Skin
b359193d-39a0-48fc-a883-422e37e067dd, True, RAF Black Silver Dialer
84adafa4-dd3d-4e12-9dd8-3d20107e9193, True, TCPMP
cca7de97-9353-45c7-9006-0a73bec0575f, True, Total Commander
9fb5b2be-e4de-4f53-bc92-7d72c63c30bb, True, Vibrating Dial Pad
59d6a722-2ab7-11dc-8314-0800200c9a66, True, VistaHide Battery Guage
ef780ba2-f5aa-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, Additional Themes
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2008, 03:39 AM
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Re: how do i uninstall buildos

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2008, 09:11 PM
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Re: how do i uninstall buildos

Which modules does it say you are missing? This just means you have a module in your selections file that cannot be found. Thats not that big of a deal. What exactly is the file creation error?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2008, 05:43 AM
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Re: how do i uninstall buildos

thanx for the reply

im missin 3
htc zip
and 2 windows live mobile
i get the same error on both my home computer and laptop

also when i get the file create error ...thats all it says
no specifics....so i have no clue wat is causin it
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2008, 07:53 AM
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Re: how do i uninstall buildos

Originally Posted by tek2tirado View Post
thanx for the reply

im missin 3
htc zip
and 2 windows live mobile
i get the same error on both my home computer and laptop

also when i get the file create error ...thats all it says
no specifics....so i have no clue wat is causin it
Don't worry about the missing modules. Your selections file has an older GUID. Just re-select HTC Zip and Windows mobile if you want to add those to your ROM then save your selections file.

When are you getting the file creation error, when you are building a ROM? Does it cause it to stop building or does it look more like a status message?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2008, 08:11 AM
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Re: how do i uninstall buildos

i get the error while the rom is building
once i get the error thats all she wrote

i dont use htc zip or windows live mobile
do i still have 2 select them so that i wont get the missin modules error again?
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