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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2008, 02:07 AM
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Wing Applications

So I have noticed that a lot of people want to customize their wing. I have been collecting the installs for various programs and trying them out on my Wing. Here are some .zip's of the things I have currently and have previously installed. I have also provided some descriptions of the programs. I am NOT the author of any of these applications so if you have any questions I would suggest you search for the program on here or XDA and ask the author(s). I also do not claim credit to any of these. On that note, I would like to thank the authors for making hese kick ass applications.

BatteryStatus - It is a better battery gauge first and foremost since it goes by percentage 1% - 100%. Much better than trying to guess based on those 4 stupid bars we get stock. It will also allow you to overclock your processor. I have mine set to 247MHz. I wouldn't suggest going past 260MHz (but even then, it could do long term damage to the processor). Ignore the CPU Scaler option. It is good in theory but it isn't practical and locked up my phone more than it helped it along.

Hacks - These are a some .cab hacks you can install and run. They work well but I took off the internet hack since it didn't seem to help.

HTC Home Customizer - In this folder there is a .cab file called HTChome.cab. Run this first. Then run the HHCv08b... this is that little touch screen app you will see most of the people on PPCGeeks running. Run the weather patch after you install and soft reset your device. (it doesn't really matter what order you run them in. I learned that this afternoon lol)

iPhone Dialpad - shouldn't need much of an explaination there.

M&M Marshall - This is another dialpad should you want to use this one. I have used both and they are both nice. You can do a search and find their site. I think it is something like marshallskins.com or something. There are also a few skins for the wait cursor. I haven't had much luck with those tho.

**NOTE** Both of the dialpads seem to take away some of the functionality. I am not able to hit my send button twice to redial. I actually have to go into the call log, highlight the contact and then hit the send button. Also, I've noticed that the on screen "talk" buttons don't seem to work. Overall, I am ok with that tho. I guess I've adjusted to it.

Page Pool Editor - This will give you more memory on your device but will sacrifice your page pool. The page pool is a reserve of memory for loading your apps quicker. The wing is set with a 12MB page pool. I have mine at 6MB now and it runs great, To change that you'll need to install the ITSUTILS_Prep .cab and run that from your phone while it is connected to your comp through activesync. You may get an error message saying it was an unsuccessful install. That's fine since mine did that too. When you are done, and while the phone is STILL CONNECTED to your PC via activesync run the backup MS-DOS Batch File. Once that finishes run whatever one of the __MB Pool MS-DOS Batch Files you want and then soft reset. You'll know if it works because when you run the batch files your phone will ask if you want to run that ITSUTILS_Prep thing. Obviously, you wanna say yes. Make sure you keep your device connected to your PC while you do that tho. It could possibly fuck up your phone if you don't keep it connected... and that would suck lol.

TDialDesigner - It's a dialpad maker. You can customize the colors and background. (I've had some issues with this. It didn't seem to work so well but I didn't give it much of a try either)

Pocket Informant - Just an awesome program for all your PDA type apps. I installed this on my memory card and it works great.

Pocket Sports Center - Self Explained (i've had issues with this tho)

iContact - A finger scroll contacts manager. To dial, scroll to the contact, tap their name. It will bring up some generic info on them. From there to dial you MUST tap their name above the info. It will bring you to your standard contact options (dial, text, email, mms). I prefer this over PocketCM since it takes up less space, although it doesn't have any of the extra features that PocketCM offers, like threaded SMS etc etc.

Pocket CM - Pocket Contacts Manager. Go to PocketCM.com for more info and screen shots. I love it and hate it at the same time lol. It is great but the loading times for the text messages sucks.

Registry Editor - A .cab that you install from your phone. It works wonders if you wanna edit your phone with any of those registry hacks that are going around. Just be careful since if you mess something up it could take days for you to find... or it could just fuck up your phone bad. Follow the directions and make sure you pay attention to what directories they are refering to. Also, don't guess or assuming something is the right directory if the name is a little differernt. It is most likely something else. Anyways, I went through all the hacks in these two links and did the ones I wanted. Some of them are not able to be done on the Wing tho. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=326655 and http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=11799&highlight=reg+edit

Screen Capture - Takes screen caps so you can post them on various sites... i.e. PPCGeeks and XDA lol.

Dwizzy130's Today Skin - He just posted on PPCGeeks so I am sure you can find his today skin, screen shots, and info on PPCGeeks. Just do a search for his username.

Slide2Unlock - This is an iPhone like locker. I love it. You can change your backgrounds too btw. Once it's installed bring up the file explorer in activesync. From there go into My Windows Device (or whatever it's called)--> program files---> Slide2Unlock--> GFX. In here there are two files called wallpaper and wallpaperL. The L stands for landscape mode. You can delete those and replace them with new pics (whatever you want, just make sure you resize them to the correct dimensions first) and it will recognize the new files as long as they are renamed wallpaper (portait mode) and wallpaperL (landscape). I also have Slide2Unlock Pro which has cooler options but is far less reliable. I will send it to you if you want so you can try both out but I will tell you that it isn't really a solid program. It made me miss a lot of calls.

TCPMP - Flash video player for your phone. It will let you go to youtube (the classic version, not the mobile version) and view the vids with no issue. I suggest you just d/l the vids to your memory card since streaming sucks. Install the tcpmp_349 cab first than the Flashvideobundle1.4.3 cab and soft reset before using.

Touch Keyboard - It is a nice little app for the SIP (on screen touch keyboard so you don't need to open your device... the stock one sucks). Install the SIPChange cab first. Once you are done installing both (and a soft reset for good measure), go into the programs and find the SIPChange icon. Make Touchpal your prefered default SIP. You can always remove it if you don't like it.

Themes - new themes for your device. When you open activesync and hit the file explorer... make a new folder right there called My Themes and put all those themes in there. From there go start-->settings-->today.. and change it to whatever you want. Just make sure you hit the ok button and not the end button when you're done or it won't change. I am sure that is common sense tho lol. You can also find more themes on these sites: http://www.ppcthemes.net/phpbb/ and http://pocketpcthemes.com/ or you can make your own here: http://www.pocketpcscreens.com/

Oh, and I am obviously not liable should you actually mess your phone up and neither are the creators of the apps/hacks. Do this all at your own risk and if you're unsure how to do something, either ask or just don't do it. lol.

Attached Files
File Type: zip Wing Apps 1.zip (5.07 MB, 1302 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip Themes.zip (1.73 MB, 684 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by InsertUserAlias; 01-07-2008 at 02:15 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2008, 02:12 AM
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Here are the other apps.

******EDIT****** 1/21/08
I am going to be posting some new .zip files with some new apps that I have tried or apps that have just been updated. I will leave the original .zip's here so you have also have the older versions as well (since they may be more stable or you take up less room). Below I have included some screen captures since I completely re-did my Wing.

The list of programs I currently have installed: (You can get the ROM here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=358332)

Touch-IT v4.4 - Stuffed ROM for the Wing (includes the following)
HTC Touch Dual dialer (thx Tom, you are amazing)
HTC TouchFlo/Cube - Red Icons (I have the cube disabled)
HTC Action Screen - Red Icons
HTC Home v2.0 (old version was installed. I installed v2.0)
HTC CommManager 6 buttons
HTC Touch Dual softkeyboard
HTC Kaiser Audiomanager
HTC Enlarge startmenu
HTC Large Titlebar
HTC Album with folder selecting
HTC ZIP.1.20.730720.0
HTC Random Acces
HTC NetworkWizard
TaskManager 1.51.30744.1
MS Office 6.1 with OneNote
MS NetCF 3.5
MS WindowsLive 10.6.0031.2600
JbedJava MIDP.0.0.20070726.1.1

BatteryStatusExt 1.04 build 0265
Glossy Black Bars
New PIM backup v2.7
TCPMP Player (I downgraded to v0.72 because it's more stable)
Touch-IT calc skin (reskin of SPB touch calc skin)
Magic SS
Rom Settings By Tom Codon (with disable xt9 option)
TF-Settings by Tom Codon (use this to activate the cube)
Touch Settings 1.22
SMS Backup
Flash Video bundle
Soft-key changer
Total Commander 2

I have also installed the following:

HTC Home Customizer v.1.05 with the WeatherPatch
HTC Audio Manager
Slide2Unlock v0.98
Duprade's Keyboard Fix for the Wing (since the Touch-IT ROM changes the keyboad layout)
The newest version of Microsoft Live Search
Slick (Multi-Protocol IM client)
PocketCM v0.19
Jimm98y's Vista Dialer Skin

... as well as a few various hacks and registry edits (which I will also post when I upload the new .zip's). I am also testing out Watchflag at the moment. The link is towards the end of this thread actually.


Here are the links to where I got all my registry edits:


Oh and since someone asked me once about a finance tracker. It's pay tho, but I know it is fairly decent at the very least:
Attached Files
File Type: zip Wing Apps 2.zip (5.60 MB, 814 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip Wing Apps 3.zip (2.37 MB, 646 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by InsertUserAlias; 01-22-2008 at 01:28 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2008, 02:33 AM
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hey thanks for including me in ur thread! fyi the thread about my today screen is here= http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=14307
The answers to all your questions are HERE.

Last edited by dwizzy130; 01-07-2008 at 03:06 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2008, 09:44 AM
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Originally Posted by dwizzy130 View Post
hey thanks for including me in ur thread! fyi the thread about my today screen is here= http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=14307
You're welcome. I figured your today skin was fairly easy to install and looked pretty slick... so some of us Wing users may want that option too. I think I will probably edit my post within the next day or two and post the links where I took all the apps and hacks... if I can find em all lol. I will also probably post a link to the 3 or 4 links I got all my registry hacks. (And thanks, since you made my job one link easier haha)
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2008, 11:12 AM
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Originally Posted by InsertUserAlias View Post
So I have noticed that a lot of people want to customize their wing. I have been collecting the installs for various programs and trying them out on my Wing.
Hey Mike. I'm looking for someone who uses a Wing and would be willing to help test a new mobile app called 'Watchflag'. We've received reports (about an old version) that it may not work on the Wing and we'd like to figure out why. If you or someone else is interested in trying it out and sending some feedback, please visit our site at watchflag.com and send a comment. Much appreciated!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2008, 01:30 PM
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Originally Posted by ajaxer View Post
Hey Mike. I'm looking for someone who uses a Wing and would be willing to help test a new mobile app called 'Watchflag'. We've received reports (about an old version) that it may not work on the Wing and we'd like to figure out why. If you or someone else is interested in trying it out and sending some feedback, please visit our site at watchflag.com and send a comment. Much appreciated!

Sure. I will try it. Hopefully I can help you guys out. I downloaded the .cab file and will install it today.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2008, 02:03 PM
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Cool, thanks! We released a new version this morning that includes windows mobile 6 fixes, so you might want to download that one instead. We mostly want to ensure that it's firing for new email and sms and matching the rules accordingly. Thanks again. Let me know how it goes...
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2008, 01:39 AM
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Here is the second series of apps I promised:

IMSMS - SMS Threading. I didn't like it but I didn't really give it much of a chance either.

Dialpad HTC - Install the Wizard etc etc cab first. Than install either the blue or matte black skin if you want. They look MUCH better. I included the theme to match the blue dialer.

System Font Change - Some .cab's to change your system font. I thought they were okay.

T-Mobile MMS Fix - This is only for if you install the Touch-IT ROMs like I did. I gave the link to the ROM I have currently installed in the post with the screen shots.

Slick Instant Messanger - Multi-Protocol IM Chat program. I love it. Much better than the other's I have tried.

Duprade's WING Keyboard Fix - This, like the MMS Fix, are only for the Touch-IT ROM. The ROM was based off of the Herald, which is essentially the Wing but with 4 of the keys switched around on the keyboard.

PointUI - www.pointui.com

Watchflag - www.watchflag.com This is still being tested. I am nice enough to be one of their potential satisfied customers/vicitms... depending on if it works or not lmao.

The rest should all eb familiar. They are just the updated versions of the programs. I will get around to posting more screen shots at some point, I'm sure.
Attached Files
File Type: zip Wing Apps 4.zip (4.87 MB, 487 views) Click for barcode!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2008, 01:45 AM
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Damn that attachment limit!
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File Type: zip Wing Apps 5.zip (5.61 MB, 429 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip Wing Apps 6.zip (2.25 MB, 369 views) Click for barcode!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2008, 11:31 AM
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Love that dialer skin
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