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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2013, 07:03 PM
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Micro SD Card Corrupted, unable to fix it

I apologize if this is in the wrong section, but I do have an Android, more specific Droid X.

Anyways, this started about two days ago, everything was fine until I decided to place more songs onto my phone. As I plugged my USB Cord into my phone and my laptop, my laptop notified me that there was something wrong with my SD Card, and that it was corrupted. I quickly went to see what was wrong on my phone and unplugged the cord, but then I was unable to access my SD Card. It wasn't mounted to my phone, thus I was unable to see my pictures, play any songs, or take new pictures or videos.

My phone finally notifies me of the problem and that the SD Card is possibly damaged, and formatting it may fix the problem. Reluctant, I decided to wait a day in order to ask someone for a SD Card Reader/Writer. The next day I inserted the SD Card into the reader/writer and plugged it into my laptop. Hoping I could back up my files before I formatted my card, I was surprised to see that the card wasn't working at all! The removable disk itself appears on my laptop when I plug the reader in, but that's it. The SD Card doesn't load anything onto the disk. I had no choice but to format my card without backing it up, but it didn't work! My SD Card was still unmounted, and my phone still said there was damage. My laptop's removable disk from the card reader/writer was still blank.

I decided to use my girlfriend's SD Card on my phone and it worked! Music appeared and the card successfully mounted onto my phone, however, pictures weren't available as the phones were different. The SD Card also worked on my laptop with the card reader/writer. I concluded that the problem was indeed my Micro SD Card. How would I go about solving this problem? How can I fix my SD Card if it's possible? Formatting doesn't seem to work, however, other SD Cards I use on my phone do work. Would I need to buy a new card? Is there any way to fix it? Thank you. I will be happy to provide anyone with more information to fix this.
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