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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2012, 11:33 AM
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Benefits (Newer Option) w/ Mango Update

What are some of the benefits of having the Mango update:

1.) Can you have custom Ring Tones?
2.) Is there a file explorer like the Pro 2
3.) Is there a better Microsoft Office file explorer.

Are there some of the Bells & Wristles that came with the Pro 2?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2012, 06:09 PM
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Re: Benefits (Newer Option) w/ Mango Update

Originally Posted by sircas View Post
What are some of the benefits of having the Mango update:

1.) Can you have custom Ring Tones? yes there are custom ringtones and apps that provide ringtones as well
2.) Is there a file explorer like the Pro 2 no,not unless u dev unlock the device but the way that things are organized I find no need for a file explorer. For example music appears in music, videos appear in either the music + videos hub or the pictures + videos hub, pictures appear in the pictures + videos hub, office files appear in the office hub.
3.) Is there a better Microsoft Office file explorer. not sure what u mean by this but all the documents are arranged in the office hub and can even be accessed from SkyDrive, folders and all

Are there some of the Bells & Wristles that came with the Pro 2? I find that since the mango update and the tethering update (not yet available for sprint arrive) I am able to do as much that I was doing on my tp2 on my HD7 and even more in some cases
my replies are in bold above.
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