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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2012, 04:31 PM
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Question - Spoofing Caller ID (NOT for pranks or fun)

Here's my goal. I work for a 3rd party retailer selling Sprint and AT&T. I already have sprint so i decided i would like to get a WP7 device and get an AT&T dealer line (DISCOUNT double-choke!) and use it for business only (don't really want my personal number out there for customers).

BUT, i want to be able to use only one device during the day, so i do plan to have my sprint calls/texts forwarded to my work phone...

alls good right? not quite.

I know WP7 gives you the option to block your caller id, display it, or display only to people from the contacts list... But what about spoofing it to display my Sprint number? Ya know, just so i don't have to call with a separate device and also not have to give my work# to everyone i know...

I don't wanna use a spoof app cuz that ish is crazy expensive for what i'm looking to do...

basically, if possible, i would like to carry around only one device during the day.

I also don't feel like creating a google voice number and having to tell everyone to add it to their contact list.

I think i'm shooting for the stars here, things are never this simple, but i hope you guys can shine some light on it for me.

If I helped ya or If you like my work, I don't want donations, I don't want coffee, but a simple THANKS
would do the trick!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2012, 06:46 PM
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Re: Question - Spoofing Caller ID (NOT for pranks or fun)

All I see on my HD7 is show caller ID to.... ,call forwarding and international assist. So it isn't a built in option. What u can do is maybe get a voIP account or something and just use that.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2012, 01:15 PM
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Re: Question - Spoofing Caller ID (NOT for pranks or fun)

what about using google voice as second number?

you can set it up for times during day then voicemail at night, it also gives you a number to call other people and it shows up as google number too

as for blocking caller id, you can just call up cell service for that, then to get id to show, dial number with *86(?) at start, you can put it in your address book for friends/family
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