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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2007, 05:29 PM
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Angry Watch the Mogul die..

My belief is that Sprint is not letting us have any of the new Sprint Touch cabs because they want to see us get rid of our Moguls.. I had Sprint TV on my Mogul and it worked perfectly till they shut it off on me. I believe that it is the same with the OZ for the Touch. they are keeping it from us so we will move on to the Touch which they have MUCH MUCH more control over. They didn't know what the Mogul was capable of when they introduced it to us, and when we found out what this phone would really do, now they want us to throw it away and purchase the new Touch to re-take control of what we can do and not do. If I were you I would keep your Moguls as these are the BEST phone that HTC has or will ever make at this time. the flaws are caused by Sprint that messes with the bluetooth amd screws around with the HTC installed GPS amoung other things. it is NOT HTC's fault and they make a SUPER device. If Sprint would just let it be what it is we would have the best device around. I know the GPS works and I know the Sprint TV program works on the mogul and I also knoe OZ for the Touch will work on the Mogul so what does this tell you. DROP your Mogul and get a Touch?? NOT for a minute. Keep up with the keepin up people, we pay for a service and the phones and we should get the service of the phone that it says on the box and in your plan, Mine says I have sprint TV but as you see they shut mine down but it is still in my plan. Good Luck and Stay With The Besy PPC 6800 for ever..
Pastor John
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2007, 11:14 AM
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Well I think it's a no-brainer that the Cell Carriers are trying to gain more control ultimately causing the consumer to spend more out of pocket for add ons that otherwise could be munipulated via registry keys etc. Great post though while I am going to continue to follow the bugs that are being reported about the Touch.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2007, 11:18 AM
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It kind of reminds me of what Apple did with their phone. Lots of us buy phones that are more like mini-computers because we like to tweak our devices and customize them to get the most out of them that we can. That is in opposition to what carriers want as a business model so of course they will discourage it. Still, I think they are phasing out the Mogul because it is a buggy product. Still, I'm cool with it. So far it's the best phone that didn't require me to move to another carrier and pay 2 or 3 times as much for uinlimited data. I will deal with the shortcomings because ultimatrely it's just a device and I can always buy something else if something better comes out.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2007, 12:03 PM
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Well, our Moguls may be buggy products, but the possibilities are still endless just like other devices that came before and after it... I have a Kaiser app, plus apps that support the Touch as well, but Sprint then went FCC-ish and shut down SprintTV on us as y'all said before. I could also forgive where the Mogul falls short, but I just love all the hardware on it besides the software that's in it and you could put in... Who needs SprintTV when there's Sling Player Mobile...?
If you are literally serving shit to American children, or knowingly spinning a wheel where it is not unlikely that you will eventually serve shit – if that’s your business model? Then I got no problems with a jury of your peers wiring your nuts to a car battery and feeding you the accumulated sweepings from the bottom of a monkey cage. In fact, I’ll hold the spoon.” -Ralph Dunlop-
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2007, 12:15 PM
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Originally Posted by blasphemous_prime View Post
Well, our Moguls may be buggy products, but the possibilities are still endless just like other devices that came before and after it... I have a Kaiser app, plus apps that support the Touch as well, but Sprint then went FCC-ish and shut down SprintTV on us as y'all said before. I could also forgive where the Mogul falls short, but I just love all the hardware on it besides the software that's in it and you could put in... Who needs SprintTV when there's Sling Player Mobile...?
I have been asking that question for the longest. Who needs SprintTV when you caqn get Sling Box, but I realize the Sling Player is a lil costly if you don't have a couple hundred bucks. My concern is that if the Celluar Technology is headed in the direction of the Touch, it will be the end of Pocket PC's as we know them. I just can't imagine not having wifi functionality.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2008, 09:55 PM
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Total newbie - htinking about exchanging the mogul for the touch since I'm paying for a service I can't get - Now I've been told that it just needs the software to pick up the TV on the mogul - any ideas?
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2008, 09:56 AM
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The vox is a smartphone by HTC for GSM networks and looks like a regular 9 key phone until you slide out its qwerty. No touch screen. Not officially released on any US carrier.

Why are we discussing the Mogul (HTC Titan) here?
The mogul is not "dieing", they are just cracking down on services that are only licensed to work on certain devices. The very fact that this thread exists in the wrong section of the forum further proves that many of you are clueless...
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Old 02-02-2008, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by wanderer51 View Post
My belief is that Sprint is not letting us have any of the new Sprint Touch cabs because they want to see us get rid of our Moguls.. I had Sprint TV on my Mogul and it worked perfectly till they shut it off on me. I believe that it is the same with the OZ for the Touch. they are keeping it from us so we will move on to the Touch which they have MUCH MUCH more control over. They didn't know what the Mogul was capable of when they introduced it to us, and when we found out what this phone would really do, now they want us to throw it away and purchase the new Touch to re-take control of what we can do and not do. If I were you I would keep your Moguls as these are the BEST phone that HTC has or will ever make at this time. the flaws are caused by Sprint that messes with the bluetooth amd screws around with the HTC installed GPS amoung other things. it is NOT HTC's fault and they make a SUPER device. If Sprint would just let it be what it is we would have the best device around. I know the GPS works and I know the Sprint TV program works on the mogul and I also knoe OZ for the Touch will work on the Mogul so what does this tell you. DROP your Mogul and get a Touch?? NOT for a minute. Keep up with the keepin up people, we pay for a service and the phones and we should get the service of the phone that it says on the box and in your plan, Mine says I have sprint TV but as you see they shut mine down but it is still in my plan. Good Luck and Stay With The Besy PPC 6800 for ever..
Pastor John
To apoint about sprint your right.they are clueless on programs and device capability.But as for the sprint tv.you were probaly using a cracked version.They now require account authentication for it.So you complian cause basically you were stealing and you got cought.It could be worse they could back charge you for your use.I am running the sprint beta rom with the addition of wm 6.1 and i have no issues at all.When they release it you will see how the sleeping dog mogul wakes up like a possesed demon.Sprint t.v kinda sucked anyway.If you know where to look you can find mobi tv crack with xm radio and music id.which is a cingular program.I have it installed and watch tv daily on it.

Originally Posted by dishe View Post
Why are we discussing the Mogul (HTC Titan) here?
The mogul is not "dieing", they are just cracking down on services that are only licensed to work on certain devices. The very fact that this thread exists in the wrong section of the forum further proves that many of you are clueless...
I agree wrong section.Its also not that their cracking down on program.More they wised up and require authentication for most now.there are always alternatives.My 6800 gps sprint nav works beautifly.As well as Rev-A speeds are amazing.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 09-05-2008, 02:56 PM
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Re: Watch the Mogul die..

I realize this thread is rather dead, but just thought I'd add that as soon as Skyfire is out of Beta, Sprint TV will be pointless. With services like Orb.com and websites like surfthechannel.com, I have no need for SprintTV.

Actually, Orb works with PIE.
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