Re: List of Mango features
this page lists some:
Official: Sprint HTC Arrive to get Mango today | wpcentral | Windows Phone News, Forums, and Reviews interestingly tho the dev builds I've had since July didn't seem to have anywhere near that amount so im wondering if alot of them were hidden until the official version which appears that it will start rolling out today for all major carriers. |
Re: List of Mango features
When a company like Microsoft, Google, or Apple announce feature numbers like that, you can bet it's more like a "change list" than an actual "feature list". Essentially, they did make over 500 changes, but you can expect that any number of them are just minor UI tweaks (like change volume indicator from a bar to just numbers) or improving font positioning for readability, etc.
Bottom line, you're probably not "missing" very much if you haven't noticed something jump out at you.
--Someday, bringing GoodThings2Life will become a Paradigm!--
Re: List of Mango features
I could not find a list but, am looking for it too...
My Windows Media Center HTPC blog and site.
http://mc.anywherecool.com/Blog/ If I helped in anyway, please hit thanks ! |
Re: List of Mango features
I thought I had asked this question earlier and there was a link to a blog site that listed nearly all the new features, enhancements. I've looked but can't find it. Maybe it was on XDA or something
Wirelessly posted (WP7 Beta Tester: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0; XBLWP7; ZuneWP7))
Alot of the features are behind the scenes...like texting and now when you type one letter, you instantly get suggestions. |
Re: List of Mango features
I do notice a lot of little things that have changed. I noticed the one letter and then I get a suggestions, that's pretty cool. I also noticed the spacing between suggestions is a little bigger, not sure if I like that.
I usually hit the "b" instead of the "space" and I would get two words in one. In NoDo, it would only suggest seperating the two words, but in Mango it actually seperates them. I like that. |