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Old 09-23-2011, 12:30 PM
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Verizon Has Trophy's In Stores Running Mango

I just left my local verizon looked at their trophy and played around with it and it definately had mango on it, it had the facebook/windows live messenger, search through the apps list features, multitasking and all that running on the mango so i wonder if they are selling them now with mango, or if u get it replaced will u get a mango phone?

unfortunately i asked one of the reps in the store and she looked completely dumb founded and didnt know anything that i was talkin about

but that must mean verizon is finished testing mango so it should be released for us pretty soon if they have it on their phones in the stores...ATT's is rolling out Tuesday so Verizon shouldnt be too far behind
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Old 09-23-2011, 01:49 PM
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Re: Verizon Has Trophy's In Stores Running Mango

Did you go into settings and check out the software version ? Was it 7720.68 ?

Well, with the leaked roms and having a VZW trophy one, I forsee them releasing it soon. Just depending on how and when it will be released is the question.

I called up Verizon and kind of pestered a guy, who called (said he did) a bunch of people, they knew about it but, would not give any details of a release date or anything. Soon, yea, when exactly, No clue.

As for the reps, They know the iPhone and Android, most are clueless on Windows Phone 7. I've walked into a few places and was looking at a the demo a few weeks ago (nodo) and a sales person walked up to me and asked me if I saw a LTE droid phone, when I was holding a Windows Phone 7 trophy. I turned around and walked out of the store.
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If I helped in anyway, please hit thanks !
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Old 09-23-2011, 03:34 PM
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I didn't look but I will go back tomorrow to take a pic I'm pretty sure they're done testing mango
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