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Old 06-30-2011, 10:53 AM
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As the world runs short on snarky phone titles (and in fact, starts using a couple of the gems on more than one occasion), we're left to overlook the moniker here while focusing on what's important: that display. In fact, the 4.7-inch WVGA Super LCD shown here actually does seem to extend on for Eternity, and if HTC Inside's leak pans out, we could be looking at the world's next WP7 superphone. It's bruited that this fellow will be shipping with a single-core 1.5GHz processor, 8 megapixel camera (autofocus, dual LED flash), a 720p movie mode, front-facing 1.3 megapixel camera, 16GB of storage, DLNA support, Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS and a 1,650mAh battery. That's a pretty startling list of features, and savvy Windows Phone followers will recognize that the Mango update will indeed be necessary before that front-facing shooter becomes useful. Needless to say, we'll be keeping an ear to the ground for more, as essentials like price and release have thus far eluded us

- Engadget
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