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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2011, 08:48 PM
Stallonie's Avatar
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Unhappy Pocket Outlook so endless slow!! any advice?


i already had 3 windows mobile phones. now i have the htc touch pro 2. there is always the same problem, in every windows mobile version i had:

i synchronize my e-mail account via pocket outlook (imap) and it tooks a lot of minutes until i get the e-mails. i have 1200 e-mails synchronized. if i use another e-mail program like profimail it just tooks about 15 seconds to receive them.

it hangs especially long when "receiving headlines" is displayed at the bottom. i am german so i translated the sentence to "Receiving headlines". dont know if it is the correct translation but maybe you know what i wanna say.

do you have some advice or hack or something different to solve this problem?
it would be very great!

this is so endless slowly.....

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2011, 03:27 AM
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Can you reduce the amount of emails that you sync? That's your problem. Why do you sync so many? You can move any you want to keep into folders that can be accessed later or download them and save them to a storage card in your device.
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