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Old 02-13-2011, 04:08 PM
electriclunch's Avatar
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Importing Contacts

Alright this is your basic question about importing contacts but with a few roadblocks that I can't seem to google a solution to.

I activated an HTC Touch Pro and obviously want to transfer my contacts from my old phone (a blackberry 8330).

However the reason I no longer use the 8330 is that the USB connecter went loose and won't work anymore. So I can't connect it to the computer (or a charger for that matter...).

So basically the contacts that I want to import to the HTC are on the BB8330 which cannot connect to the computer to sync with Outlook.

Is there a way to do this solely with Bluetooth? I know where the option to SEND contacts is on the BB but it says "transfer failed" whenever I try to do it. Is there something I have to do on the HTC other than just pairing the devices?

I also have another 8330 with a working connector so even if I could transfer contacts from one BB to the other, then I could sync via the PC.

For that matter, I also have a samsung instinct and an lg lotus if routing through one of those phone might be possible.

I'm pretty much convinced that I'm screwed and get to spend forever manually inputting them into the Touch Pro.

Any input?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2011, 06:25 PM
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Does BB support exchange via google?? If so, set that up and sync contacts.......
Then set up outlook via google on the TP... the contacts will merge in
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro

bluetooth, contacts

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