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Old 01-07-2011, 01:17 AM
Brakoo's Avatar
Pocket PC: LG Optimus 7
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LG Optimus 7 battery life being weird.

I'm looking for some input here since I'm getting very weird battery consumption on my 2 months old LG Optimus 7. The other day I took it off the charger at 9am and when I went to bed at 1am I still had about 80% of battery left and that was with normal usage of the phone during the day. Which means in my case some SMS, a few phone calls and about 10 minutes of gaming so nothing crazy. I wake up at 8am the next morning to find out that my battery is now sitting at 25-30%.

I ran a similar test 2 days later to see what battery life I'd have left after a whole night of NOT being in use and during the span of about 9 hours the battery went from 75% to being critical so I'd say below 10%.

Anyone else is experiencing the same kind of issue and might know what's causing that ?

Thanks in advance for the help.
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