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Old 12-05-2010, 03:28 PM
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WP7 - multiple BT headsets synced for operation?


I currently have a vogue running WM6.5. Often one of my BT headsets dies so I have more than one. However only one can by synced at a time so if I want to switch to another headset, I have to go to settings, bt, select the BT device and set as the active BT headset.

I don't want to use more than one at the exact same second but it would be nice if I had left my phone and headset in the living room and could pick up the call with the BT headset in my bedroom if it is still actively synced with the headset in the living room.

I probably will do away with landlines at my place this coming year and it would be great if I could just leave BT headsets where I used to have landline phones so I could just pick up any BT headset and complete the call.
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Old 12-05-2010, 08:52 PM
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Re: WP7 - multiple BT headsets synced for operation?

I'm not sure that any OS will let you do that. It should automatically pickup one once you turn it on though, so you shouldn't have to go into Settings every time. WM should work that way too.
At&t iPhone 8 Plus
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Phone 7 > General Windows Phone 7 Discussions

bluetooth, bt, headsets, multiple, simultaneous

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