XV6800 - Which ROM? {Don't need GPS}
I just got a used Verizon XV6800 with WM6.0 and as others have said it's pretty slow. Well, I thought it would be simple enough to flash to one of the custom ROM's but with all the warnings and mention of GPS this and unlock that I'm very confused.
*I don't need GPS
*Don't know if my phone is locked
*Which ROM will give the biggest boost in performance?
*And do I have to upgrade to WM6.1 first?
*Read good things about the nueROM v2.0 series
(so many builds though)
I don't need it to add a bunch or apps- only MS Office
I've been able to install a large variety of apps and
the free RAM is around 4MB at this point (I know about
backing everything up - use Spb Sprite & Sunnysoft)
Each one seems to leave out something important in the description. Like will it work if I don't have or need GPS. And do I have to install a Radio?