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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2010, 12:49 PM
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Windows Phone 7's microSD mess: the full story (and how Nokia can help you out of it)

Windows Phone 7's microSD mess: the full story (and how Nokia can help you out of it) -- Engadget
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2010, 02:40 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7's microSD mess: the full story (and how Nokia can help you out of

Interesting read on the specs and numbers for Micro SD cards for WP7 phones.

Just wondering (because maybe I missed it, but, didn't see it), did anyone take a off the shelf high speed 32gb card and swap it on a WP7 phone to see the perfomance hit or will it just not run at all ?

Edit: I guess so, a class 2 32gb card tried in a Samsung Focus and claimed no problems.


Product: 32gb MicroSD bulk package.

I bought this to put in my new Samsung Focus Windows Phone. This card has not been certified by Microsoft to work with the operating system, but I have had no problems after a week. I didn't use the card in any other way before having the phone format it. The card performs well and I am sure that is would work admirably in a more tradition sense. And one more thing, the price was excellent for a 32GB card.

Last edited by DavidinCT; 11-18-2010 at 05:19 PM.
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