BT headset recommendation
I have been using my HBH 610 with the i830w since I bought it and have noticed that is doesn't perform as well as it did with my Treos (650 and 700p). I just bought a Cardo Scala 700, which has a good mic, but the speaker doesn't sound too hot. I've been eyeing the Plantronics Discovery 655, the SE HBH GV435, and the SE HBH IV835. Does anyone have any experience with any of these? What about other headsets? The only brand I am not interested in is Motorola because they're hideous.
Also, if there may be some tweaks to Voice Dial that may help in improving voice recognition I'd appreciate that, as well. I read that increasing the speed a couple notches and increasing the rejection level one notch helps, but I haven't noticed much difference.
Thanks in advance!