I've made a simple, step by step tutorial for users who do NOT know how to download songs and make ring tones right from your device. This will teach you how.
Here are the steps:
This works in Firefox Beta 4 and the original droid internet browser
- To get the song you want go to beemp3.com and search for it (I normally search for the whole song and artist for better results)
- Click on the one that comes up (you will see many)
- If you are new, it will ask you for a 3 digit code. Put it in.
- preview the song on the right side towards the bottom of the page
- at the top of the right side of the page click the green download link
- a window should pop up asking you to either download or save link (choose which ever one comes up next)
- the song will save to your phone
- go to your music icon/app and you will now see the songs in your list
To make ring tones out of songs:
- Open the song you want as a ringtone
- Click the menu button
- Select set as ring tone
- Select trim ring tone
- Move the bottom green bars to the parts you want as your ring tone
- Select set as phone ring tone or contact ring tone