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Old 10-09-2010, 02:08 PM
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Is it OK to sell legitimate used software here?

I have several Win Mobile programs that I purchased but no longer use. Is it OK to offer them for sale to a new owner in this forum? These are programs that I purchased and downloaded, and I have the receipts/documentation to prove they are legitimately owned and paid for.
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Old 10-09-2010, 04:45 PM
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Re: Is it OK to sell legitimate used software here?

Short answer for you here is going to be no. If you have questions in the future please PM a MOD and Review our Rules & Regs so you don't post against them again. I would like to thank you though for not just posting the items you wish to sell. If you do have items you wish to sell that fall under the R&R please post it in the Bargain Trader area. Thanks for understanding.



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