Re: Call Blocker?
Interesting topic. I've tried -
CallFirewall 1.4 - excellent features, but requires manual entry of everything phoneAlarm - excellent features, and manages profiles, etc. also. The best for me! MagiCall - excellent features, way complicated! Are there others you've used? Thanks. Mike |
Re: Call Blocker?
Ive used k-filter for awhile. cant find a working link for it anywhere. k-zerosoft.net was the website the creature of the app used. Im thinking Ill try the apps you listed.
Re: Call Blocker?
Whoah... You must have alot of people you don't want to talk to.
Usually I just ignore the call if I don't wan to talk to someone in particular. p. |
Re: Call Blocker?
the app im using auto hits ignore on any call that isnt in my contacts or whitelist after 1 ring/vibrate so it goes right to vmail. this eliminates having to deal with sales,soliciters,wrong numbers and anyforms of bs collections calls looking for deadbeats. |
Re: Call Blocker?
Yeah... I see your point... I just have never really needed the app. I ignore maybe one call every 2 weeks or so. I hardly ever get unsolisited calls.
I hope you find what you need though. p. |
Re: Call Blocker?
But I just want the simplistic ways and most ease use when adding them to my blacklist... I think it would be fantastic if someone did create an app with a built in call history to go through picking and choosing thats small in space and footprint. I'm gunna keep an eye on Call Firewall, I liked the add last caller to barring list, BUT when I tried to use that feature nothing happened. Last edited by n1nj4Lo; 09-28-2010 at 03:32 PM. |
Re: Call Blocker?
Right now I'm using...
Historia Call Firewall Historia is a great call history, with a copy number option and filterings. Plus I'm keeping a CLOSE EYE on TrueCaller http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiRVSY94Vbo Right now it's still very buggish on my phone. Last edited by n1nj4Lo; 09-28-2010 at 04:30 PM. |
Re: Call Blocker?
GRRRRR Now the moment I reset my phone it suddenly says Call Firewall doesn't have a valid certificate error!
How can I fix this from ever happening again with any app, I know theres a fix for it and it's always a pesky annoying lil bugger. |