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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2010, 08:50 PM
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Reactivating a relocked Touch PRO

My brother just gave my wife his old hacked Sprint Touch PRO, but it could not be reactivated with my wife's number by Sprint. I reloaded the old stock Sprint ROM onto it and then relocked, but can it be reactivated and reused with my wife's number on it? If so, how? Am a newbie when it comes to messing with cell phones, so apologies if I haven't made any sense.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2010, 10:43 PM
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Re: Reactivating a relocked Touch PRO

yep. no need to re-lock to stock ROM, but sure it's too late. call sprint, give them the dec esn # and do what they tell you. Basicly they tell you to go to phone, enter a certian # and then give you the msl code (write it down as they give it to you, needed for further use you will find later) then tell you to input an msid and your phone number. by the way you are in your pst settings for this info. so they gave you your settings for your number and they gave you the vary important msl code. If you relocked it that is fine. you can always unlock and having your

You really need msl code.

Recap: activate as is. Do as they say. Copy down MSL code they give you. (6 digit code when you do ##whatever they say that requires input# and activate. unlock later if need be. Lie to them if need be and tell them you pressed "OK" after entering a 5 digit code if that is what it takes for them to REPETE it.
Evo 3D (broke) waiting on htc one in mail
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reactivating, relocking, touch pro

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