Blue Light Special!
Yes Kmart shoppers I have the Blue Light Special going on my 6800.
Yes I did a search on this forum and google.
My top left LED has turned a solid blue.
Even if the phone is OFF I have a solid blue light.
NO I do not have blue tooth on. Even if I did why would it still be on when the phone is OFF? I have done several HARD resets. No joy.
WAIT! New symptoms now, Blue light flickered a couple of times and now have a very weak green light. and now that is flickering to nothing.
This has happened several times.
Otherwise the phone works great. No complaints other than light staying on. or not.
Is the phone trying to tell me something?
LG Chocolate (UGH!)HTC 6700 HTC 6800
Better to be silent and thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.