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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 09:50 PM
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Win Phone 7 is GSM only until next year

Wow, I thought it was bad enough that copy and paste wasn't in there.

Windows Phone 7 will be GSM-only in 2010 | Beyond Binary - CNET News
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 10:58 PM
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Re: Win Phone 7 is GSM only until next year

guess this confirms cdma will not be available until 2011 as of now. I hope that changes very badly!

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 12:15 AM
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Re: Win Phone 7 is GSM only until next year

Android it is then on Oct. 1.

Last edited by muyoso; 09-17-2010 at 12:19 AM.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 12:53 AM
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Re: Win Phone 7 is GSM only until next year

I'll be waiting for you wp7 lol
Kiss my grits
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 01:35 AM
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Re: Win Phone 7 is GSM only until next year

This really is a big deal. MS has needed a major OS refresh for nearly two years now (arguably more). There was a lot of pent up anticipation among people who have been waiting for the next MS OS. It's not about waiting another 6 months. It's about the fact that these people have already waited 2 years!

I've been a WM user for 3 years, and I'm more than sick of it. In fairness, I already decided some time ago that my next phone would almost certainly be Android, though I do see some promise in WP7. I hadn't totally ruled it out, but even before this announcement I wasn't sure I could wait for it to arrive. I want a new phone now. My upgrade just hit, and now I'm just waiting another 2 weeks for SERO premium. (Even that extra month has been agonizing, but I'm cheap enough to do it.) There is absolutely no way that I'm waiting.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 02:20 AM
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I was still going to try microsoft and give them another chance atter I got tired of windows mobile. Now it looks like I will be sticking with android for good. By the time they release wp7 with sprint there will be a successor to the evo and the epic. Not to mention android 3. Oh well. Microsoft, you screwed it up again. If they are really waiting till 2011 to release a cdma wp7 android will be my next os for good. By then android will have released a world phone with 4g. I guess the analysts are correct about android being the #1 os by 2014. So far they have my vote since microsoft decided not to compete.

Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 09:13 AM
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Re: Win Phone 7 is GSM only until next year

This news is very depressing, especially after waiting for years for a replacement. However, I cant stand my Touch Pro 2 anymore.. its sluggish and slow, locks up all the time. Im not waiting 6-9 months for this to come to sprint. Im not that enthused about android. I really dont want to switch carriers as I think sprint has the best pricing with a widespread 3G network. Tmobile would be ideal, but CT has poor 3G coverage, so ill probably end up with at&t. Yeah its about 25% more expensive and it has 2Gb of data vs 5Gb on sprint but at least I will get it now, plus i really would like the Dell Lightning and that will be GSM only.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 01:03 PM
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Re: Win Phone 7 is GSM only until next year

Originally Posted by Tiberius85 View Post
This news is very depressing, especially after waiting for years for a replacement. However, I cant stand my Touch Pro 2 anymore.. its sluggish and slow, locks up all the time. Im not waiting 6-9 months for this to come to sprint. Im not that enthused about android. I really dont want to switch carriers as I think sprint has the best pricing with a widespread 3G network. Tmobile would be ideal, but CT has poor 3G coverage, so ill probably end up with at&t. Yeah its about 25% more expensive and it has 2Gb of data vs 5Gb on sprint but at least I will get it now, plus i really would like the Dell Lightning and that will be GSM only.
I did this look up about a month ago with my wife between all carriers in my hell hole part of CT (Verizon actually has no service at the end of my road, not much better with Sprint). It seems AT&T would be the only other carrier that claims pretty reasonable service here too.

If people have been with a CDMA carrier as long as me, you've seen this before, many models over the years, GSM is out, CDMA gets them 6-12 months later. Some models VZW still carried just because they were in demand but, after almost a year after GSM carriers had them, it was not a big deal any more.

Now I have to decied...ugh...Thanks Microsoft !
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