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Old 08-13-2010, 02:55 AM
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Question ThrottleLauncher JC NeoLight Theme Modification?

I know I've never really made this big of a request before but hopefully someone can fulfill it!

Heres my current problem:
As you can see when I select any of the 3 tabs in question (Music, Contacts/(People) and Images/(Pictures) ) nothing happens and it just stays on the previous tab, as well but unnoticeable when I click the lock button, nothing happens same when I click the red power button...

But I'd love to be able to have this fully working and keep the clock I'm using plus the option to add remove widgets... I'm using SenseFlipClock and maybe add english to it instead of whatever language it's in now that and maybe a notification row above the 4 buttoned row like this:

With or without the glossy black tabs and instead of the phone symbol make it a bold @ symbol for e-mails, making the envelope symbol open my text messages, the phone symbol below works already, so I see no sense in having two... As for this I was thinking make the gap between the two rows smaller and small notification boxes/buttons for E-mail, Voicemail and Text with numeric entries such as 2 for two text messages and so for each maybe even if possible e-mail being colored red numbers, voicemails colored blue numbers and text messages being colored green numbers.

The power button open psShutXP and the lock button windows default lock tool...

I'd be ever so grateful and willing to donate money to whoever if someone could mod this for me... I've tried fixing it myself but couldn't figure it and asked how to fix it at TL Forums and someone said to ask here I also couldn't find JC anywhere... Hopefully this isn't asking to much. Thanks

Theme file:
JC NeoLight: http://www.throttlelauncher.com/port...,sobi2Details/
SenseFlipClock: http://www.throttlelauncher.com/port...,sobi2Details/
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > Windows Mobile Hacks/Tweaks > Pocket PC Themes

jc neolight, throttle launcher, throttlelauncher

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