How do you find a CDMA ESN on a Windows Mobile 6.5 device?
All right, here we are. Most of you guys never knew I had an Omnia, but at some point early this year I did. This is where and how I learned how to and how not to flash firmware to a mobile device. (Use a USB 2 COMPUTER!!!!!)
Anyway, I spent about 7 and a half months screwing around with it. I started out by spending 20-30 dollars and purchasing a USB JTAG adapter that could be used to flash a new Bootloader to the device (it was bricked quite literally - not an easy recovery like most situations are). A friend spent a significant amount of time tediously soldering the wires from the ribbon cable onto the repair slot on the device, but alas the repair software did not work with this particular adapter. Sooner or later, the battery died, and I found I would have to pursue some other means of fixing it (it its broken bootloader state, USB charging was not functional), and I found this guy on the MoDaCo community forums. We agreed that he would fix it and send it back if I paid for shipping round trip and gave him my USB JTAG adapter. This seemed fair enough (what would I need the adapter for in the future anyway?), so I sent it off, and after a few excuses, the repair was done, only now, he refused to send it back; he wanted me to buy the device from him. The one I had already dumped who knows how much money into. Although, as many of you on the board here may know, I have a way with words, and I hammered him for those three weeks every chance I could. I finally convinced him I would buy the device back for what we originally agreed on: him keeping the JTAG adapter.
The dramatic conclusion to this RIVETING story?
It works. But not with WM6.1 like we previously agreed though... He decided to put not only a copy of WM6.5, but an old, rickety version of TouchFlow 3D and an almost unrecognizable ugly clone of the HTC Comm Manager - Just awful. I would venture to say fugly; and WM6.5 does not help that situation at all, believe me. It would matter more if I weren't selling it, but the sticker on the back shows a different ESN than the one I sent him. I don't know if it is actually the same ESN inside. Normally on my handy Diamond (I breathe a sigh of relief that the WM6.5 "WGVGA" crapposcreen night mare is over) I can go into the settings in the start menu and there is a little "device info" button that will tell me the esn in seconds. Not so on WM6.5 (or omnia - or whoever's fault it is) - I waded around (more like frantically swimming in quicksand) through the pathetic WM6.5 start menu system for just under 20 minutes, and have still failed to find wherever it is that you go to look at the ESN. Any help?
Thanks. LOL!
- 2 Bunny