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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2010, 02:05 AM
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WP7 Games Montage

After we saw some great WP7 games we made a little WP7 Games Montage. what do you guys think ?


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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2010, 02:10 AM
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Re: WP7 Games Montage

sweet, the whole wp7 gang i started will like this while we wait for our beloved wp7.

  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2010, 02:27 AM
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Re: WP7 Games Montage

Good Lord I will have nightmares for the rest of my life ( after seeing your Avatar )

BTW can I be a part of the WP7 Crew ? I love WP7 too.

Btw you can find the list of wp7 apps and games here ( not all of them are great, plz keep in mind they are just beta versions )

WP7 Apps

WP7 Games
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2010, 02:50 AM
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Re: WP7 Games Montage

Originally Posted by PPCInformer View Post
Good Lord I will have nightmares for the rest of my life ( after seeing your Avatar )

BTW can I be a part of the WP7 Crew ? I love WP7 too.

Btw you can find the list of wp7 apps and games here ( not all of them are great, plz keep in mind they are just beta versions )

WP7 Apps

WP7 Games
jump over to thread and await your initiation, may hurt a little.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2010, 11:47 AM
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Re: WP7 Games Montage

I'm waiting...
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